Showing posts with label Cross stick. Show all posts
Another one?
Larger, Liquor, what difference does it make?
Can you count how many you've had so far?
Oh another one, go on what could go wrong?
Happiness you say this brings you?
Oh another one, could you possibly consume more?
Larger, liquor, what a difference...


Monday 18 July 2016

We lost our minds to the
Internet; it controls us
Forever you will be trapped
In the links and social media...


Thursday 14 July 2016



Wednesday 13 July 2016

Me I am the most important person in my life
You are important too but I need me more
Stronger I am becoming as I am trusting myself
Everyone else has their own thing going on
Loving myself is my main priority
Fuck what anyone else think.


Tuesday 14 June 2016

For you anything
Us we are forever
Countries a part
Keeping strong


Tuesday 7 June 2016

Why frown?
Everyone has problems.
Don't let your troubles
Navigate your mood.
Eveyone matters
Smile because you can
Don't feel
You are pretty special.


Wednesday 25 May 2016

So it's sunny huh?
Under the shade we go.
Nothing better than a hot day
So tiring the heat?
Help I'm melting uncontrollably.
Inside we must not hide
Now we seek the blistering warmth
Enjoy while it lasts.


Saturday 21 May 2016

I don't know why I do

Love is strange
Overrated probably
Very powerful though
Everyone has or will feel it

You yes you
On your good days and bad

I love you

Friday 20 May 2016

Please don't give up
Anger doesn't solve anything
Take some time out
In the end you'll thank me
Enjoy some alone time
Never retaliate
Cause you're the better person
Everyone is human.


Tuesday 10 May 2016