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If you don't follow me on my Instagram or Twitter, you may not know that I started a new job!  I am a trainee copywriter who currently works from home, I started last Monday. I have been having an absolute blast.  

My only worry going into the job was how I would adapt to working from home and getting the right work vibe going. One week in and I think I have it all figured out, I thought I would share my techniques with you:

1) Declutter - the week building up to starting the new job I decided to have a good clean & sort. I’m a bit of a hoarder so lots of things round-up around my room. I decided to be tough, I also managed to rearrange all to Funko pops & furniture to make the space feel new almost.

2) Writing Space - not everyone can fit a desk into their bedroom. I couldn’t so I transformed the top of my drawers into a workspace. A place to work on my laptop, take notes and sit to write. I wanted to make it a space that helped me feel inspired. To achieve this I added a few favourite things like my Wicked singing SnowGlobe, my gemstone tree & various Funko pops. 

3) Move Around - I found that staying in one space can get a little tedious so around mid-day, every day, I have been moving around my room. I do a little shuffle around, changing my sitting positions. Sometimes sitting down on the floor to write at my little table or making a cushion fort on my bed and writing there. Using a laptop for work has certainly got its perks!

4)  Snacks - I don’t know about you but I love working & eating. Having something small next to me that I can munch on whilst I’m working. It really helps! Chewing gum is always good to have at hand, something about it helps me concentrate. It is important to remember to always have a drink beside you, truth be told in the past week I’ve drunk more tea than I ever have in my lifetime. As well as endless cups of tea I always have a water bottle beside me. Stay hydrated!

5) Comfortable Clothes - I was constantly being told by everyone around me that I should wear proper clothes each day working at home. Dress fully to put me in the right frame of mind. I see where they were coming from but I am not wearing smart clothing on a day no one can see me. Don't get me wrong I dress the part when I have meetings and briefs but other than that I am wearing comfortable clothing. When I don't have meetings I am in a t-shirt, that's it. I write best when I am not feeling restricted by clothing. A bonus is on hot days you can wear the bare minimum, no coworkers to accidentally flash when the heat makes you want to rip your skin off. Just the comfort of yourself at home.

6) Leave your house - this is easier said than done if you’re not working from a laptop. Despite my previous point you will have to be fully clothed I am afraid.  Plan an afternoon to work in a cafe or find a little office space or library you can work in. Alternatively, if you’re more of a computer person or looking for ways to spend your time off try and make sure when you’re not working that you spend as little time in your workspace as possible- this will prevent you from getting tired of your surroundings easily. 

I am sure this list will increase within time, if you are also working from home are there any recommendations you have? I hope this has been insightful and helpful. Keep an eye out for our next blog post!

Writing From Home

Monday 19 July 2021

During this lockdown of ours, I have been finding a little hard to write. The world is all uneasy so I have been feeling very uneasy. To help spark my motivation I decided to feed my ever-growing addiction: notebooks. I do have quite a few already but they're all back in Brighton and just need something new and to have with me whilst I am home. I have been having a neb at Go Stationery for a while now and I decided to use my 15% off code to treat myself (if you want to treat yourself too GOGLAM230) and I found some stunning notebooks. I ordered three in total, two for me and one stunning Peacock notebook for my sister. In my delivery I also received a stunning planner, I don't really make much use of planner's so I gifted it to my sister for her business.
The Nikki Strange collection is my favourite, I bought from the element collection as well as astrology. I do plan on buying the rest of the element collection in the future, I just wanted to test it out and the quality of these notebooks are stunning.  As you can see to the right. The element of fire notebook is so bright, I figure the start of the collection had to be my own sign. I will be buying the rest because I am obsessed!
I plan on using the fire element notebook for thoughts, I am often swamped with feelings and thoughts. I get quite anxious at times, especially at times like these, and writing in the past has helped me so much. I really want to get back to writing every day, get everything out of my head and heart. It used to help me feel so relaxed especially on days where I feel super overwhelmed.
Buying notebooks is my attempt to trying and get my writing flow back, I just want to create and be imaginative but I’ve been everything but. I can’t wait to finish my degree too, then I’m free to write for myself again. Maybe 2020 will be the Summer of writing. 
The little moon and stars book I’ll keep for a rainy day, a spark will come and I know what to write inside. Maybe use it for a new book idea or a new poetry book!  
Have you been making any creative purchases lately?

New Notebooks

Friday 8 May 2020

I think I'm on the bus with a writer, a notepad she writes into and she looks up now and again and continues to write. She looks brilliantly bizarre in a fur jacket, and bright badges of many colours. Is she being inspired or is she inspiring? I wonder if she's captured the speed of the bus as the houses become disfigured blurs. I wonder if she writes about me, she gave me the once over when I got on. I wonder what thoughts I can bring a person, what does my persona give away to strangers about me? She wears a shiny bag, I can't say it's blue nor green but that tell tale turquoise. I'm intrugued by her, like every other writer I've met I want to know more. I want to know if she thinks like I do, or if she plans her work or jumps straight in. What kind of characters does she create? What sort of things does she make them feel? I'm eager to look, glance at her wisdom on a page. What style does she write, past or present? Or present progressive. She thinks with her pen in her mouth, pressing fingers to her light up screen. Is she researching? Looking to cover a plot whole or eager to learn more and be inspired? I shouldn't people watch, or make eye contact with the writer and smile, but I did.

On the bus with a writer

Thursday 2 February 2017

She is stuck in the reflection of self-worth, she refuses to meet the eyes of the stranger in the glass before her. A mere stranger at her glance, she knows not of who she sees before her. Not one of them hold a single thing in common. The girl cannot walk away from the mirror,  she is trapped in its shimmery lure, yet she just cannot forage for the courage to look at her; look at herself. A creature of self-worth, a creature who allowed the world to tame her with her words, tame her wildness and importantly tame her freedom. She is her enemy and the mirror is her war.


Tuesday 10 January 2017

There was a time when
I could forget the world
With a singular sour sip
a chug of burning
and I would no longer have;
to be  myself

I'd be a self made champion
a happy hero
all with my trusty dazing sidekick

it stopped
it betrayed me
my stomach got trapped in a whirl
I began to badly hurl
I left my trusty sidekick

Upon my return
Its' lips met mine with a grin
only it didn't work

It lost its magic
the power it had ran out
my once good friend has gone
I am no longer that champion
no longer that happy hero

happy hero

Thursday 29 December 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One
Wave Of Lavender

Carton of Milk

Do you ever wake up and forget everything? For a long thirty-second interval, you have no idea who you are, or where you are. You're just a stranger in a strange room, no other feelings just distorted. Until your brain winds a little faster and you sink into your reality, that's exactly how I feel at this moment in time. Only my reality is alone in a place I once called home, yearning for some company but holding onto my independence like I am some sort of adult or something.

I crawl across the room, my legs weak. It's the floorboards from downstairs that make me jump to my feet. I hold my breath carefully taking down one step at a time slowly. As I reach the  bottom, I see the dark wood door slightly opening. My heart is pounding it's all I can hear banging against my eardrums. I wipe my damp hands on my bare legs. Swinging my body in the kitchen I notice a milk carton sitting on the edge of the four-cornered table in the centre of my kitchen. As I got closer the smell became familiar, that sweet lavender scent, it was back. I examine the carton, who drinks straight from the carton, especially when it's not even their carton. 

"Sorry about that, I was a little parched." A voice growled behind me, I dropped the carton of milk.

Hunter Of Hope - Carton of Milk

Tuesday 25 October 2016

The heart wants what the heart wants... and hers wanted the waves. The waves that drift her to adventures, and wash up her dreams amongst foreign shores. Her heart yearned for the blue wonders that the ocean offered her, her thoughts belonged to the salty waters. Her life on land was like a cage, only amongst the waves she would ever be truly free. Her feet may be on land but her heart was at sea.


Tuesday 16 August 2016

What would you know? Standing there glaring at me, with god knows what bullshit going through your stupid head. Sure whisper to your friend there, it's not like you have anything better to do. Yes my tights are laddered, and this dress has stains, and yes it came from a man, but what do you know? For all you know I could be a victim. a victim of crime and punishment, a victim of the bottomless pit we redeem as society. I am not as stupid as these red rags make me look, I have a degree, yeah bet you think I'm lying, three years studying bleeding photography, and what a pretty picture I am now. You will go places they told me, places yeah on the corner and under the gutter on a flashy Friday night. Education, it means nothing. Sure I have a degree but where has it gotten me? No jobs straight outta uni, and here I am back to square one. What I have learned though, it's not what you know; it's who you know. Some weeks I can be dined and shown off, from a good word from a past client. other's a quickie in some stingy two-star hotel, I suppose it's a bed really just be thankful, some clients want it weird places, but hey what would you know? Of course I don't enjoy it, most of the time. Sometimes there is a nice fella from time to time, gentle and those are the times I imagine that I'm not lonely, and for a night I pretend like he's the love of my life and then the morning comes and those pretend thoughts and feelings are flushed down the toilet with my vomit. So yeah, laugh it up and stare, I am surviving and what are you doing? Holding your twenty pound coffee in one hand and gawping at me like I am the freak. You don't care about me or my struggles, you just want something to talk about, something to turn your nose up. Well here I am, take a good hard luck because between you and me I don't think I am gonna last much longer.

what would you know? (Monologue)

Tuesday 26 July 2016

Let's dance, you and I. The stars can be our audience and the sky our routine. Bless the air with our moves, and dance until we can no more. Courtesy to the trees and Waltz to the waves, as we dance we become free. Our spirits entwine and our souls meet, for a ballet twirl is to complete. Take your hat off and toss it to the winds, for with it we shall twirl, whirl and spin. Together we glide on clouds and lift ourselves through our dreams. For you and I, let us dance.

Let us dance

Friday 22 July 2016

Believe it or not I am fine. Everything I'm feeling is completely normal. Never judge a book by its cover but sometimes somethings are exactly how they seem. You see things in the passing of life. On we go, our own little journeys. Up the ladder of our own person success. Aren't there other things you should probably be doing, rather than fussing with whatever I am doing. Really I am fine. Every now and then I do get sad, but like I said it's completely normal. Are you looking for answers? Don't look here. I don't know what good this could possibly do for you. Chasing memories and dwelling on words won't help you much. Keep your thoughts to yourself, and I'll keep mine!

I am fine

Saturday 2 July 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One

Wave of Lavender

The heart in my chest felt heavy, and my body started to feel limp. I was out for too long, and now it's taking a toll on my body.  I arrived back to the wooden log I called my home, it somehow wasn't how I left it. Nothing was physically touched, but it didn't need to be. It was evident someone or something had been here, evident in the foreign scent they left behind. 
I wasn't afraid to search the house; after all the owner of the household must protect what is theirs. I didn't find anything. Needless to say, it was the first time I had come across such a scent, it was dark, almost intoxicating yet refreshing with a wave of lavender, it wasn't the last time I'd meet the scent either.
I would have been annoyed at the anonymous intruder, the one I'd never met since the scent was new to me, but I was annoyed more at myself for not bringing back good game, instead I allowed myself to get caught up with exploring.
Tomorrow, tomorrow I will bring back the best game, and I won't come back until I do. 
Hungrily I made way into the kitchen, eager to find something, anything to eat. Living alone had its perks, like not having to share or bring back heavy loads of game, instead I just wanted to bring home decent game, something more than Ferrell.
From takings I had a small feast, a few gooseberries, a handful of chestnuts  and half a squirrel, I had eaten the other half on my journey today only now I wish I hadn't. 
I felt the need to bath, even though I was a little more tired. Out back was a well, it was small and made of stone. I hardly used it, due to long the Summer the only water it supplied was warm. For a bath it was perfect, with the small pale made of wood and iron I trekked back and forth from the well to my large tin bath. It took me about an hour to fill it, and even then it wasn't even half full. Returning the pale back to its well I got a waft of the intoxicating scent with the wave of lavender.
Immediately my guard went up, and my eyes searched around my wooden log. No one on the street, no one in the fields. The scent was there and then it was gone. I felt the immediate need to return inside, I shook off the moment and went into my little made up bathroom. 
I stripped myself of my clothing and simply sat in the tin bath. The water was warm as I figured it would be,  it felt almost foreign. For a while now I had been accustomed to cold showers, I say shower I mean a pathetic almost rusted pip that runs up my bathroom wall with a little knob that allows water to spurt out. I positioned the tin bath underneath so I never soaked the floor. 
As I sat in the bath I looked at nothing but the water, I sat for a while before I even began to bath myself. By the time I was done the water was almost cold, but I didn't care. I dried myself off with the smallest of towels, I didn't bother putting clothes on. Upstairs I went and climbed into bed, where I'd lay for the next ten hours.

Next Part;

Hunter of Hope - Wave of Lavender

Wednesday 8 June 2016



Monday 21 March 2016

Cupid flies in the air
bow and arrow at the ready
looking for a twosome to pair
pull back now, steady.

A girl walks all alone
black hair and green eyes
her shoulders slumped all on her own
waiting on her demise.

Swooping low ready to aim
she hears his wings
his eyes fill with shame 
mouth filled with alcohol she swings.

The ground she sits dazed
he flies to her rescue
she looks up unfazed
his aim is askew.

He pulls back the arrow 
she sits doing nothing
trying to take away her sorrow
she begins to feel something. 

It hits her chest
she stiffles and cries
the shot of his is his best
she looks up into his blue eyes.

She grasps the arrow
yanks it out of her chest
straigtht and narrow
red spreads over his white vest.

In that moment it's done
they stare at each other bleeding
after all love isn't fun
with life they are pleading.

He was wrong in his choosing
his arrow he should have let down
now he's the one loosing
in her love he did drown. 

Cupid meets Stupid

Sunday 14 February 2016

The thing I like most about Art? It's unique to its creator. It captures their thought, their feeling and their vision. Sometimes we may not understand what those things are but that doesn't make it any lesson beautiful. I like the things I can't understand, the mystery. I cannot help but just wonder what the artist were thinking or feeling at the time they created their piece. Sometimes I try to put myself in their position or try and understand what would effect me or make me create something similar. I've never really been good at actual art, but I admire those who are naturally talented. Anything can be considered as Art. What looks like a masterpiece to me might look like crap to another, I trully believe that Beauty in the eye of the beholder. The main thing I adore about Art, it is a form of expression, it can be a release, it can be putting dreams on a canvas or into an drawing, it's special/.


Tuesday 2 February 2016

We are constantly feeling, and our surroundings are constantly effecting our feelings. A simple situation can nudge an emotion. Someone else's actions can alter your mood. People make us feel and sometimes they do it without even being aware of it.
You will forever feel, however each feeling is only temporary and can be changed at any given second. You want to hold on to certain feelings, keep them close to your heart but eventually, eventually they will fade and be replaced.
All the feelings you have are normal, even if it's a singular feeling or a dozen at a time. These feelings shape us and guide to where to go next.
Sometimes we want them to stop, we want them to come to an halt in a minute. We want to stop being overwhelmed, feelings can become too much. As good as they are; they can be just as dangerous. Testing our patience and our limits. Sometimes we avoid them, mostly by crawling into the quilts of sleep or even worse trying to numb them. Forcing them out so you feel practically nothing. But they're never really gone, they hide under the surface ready to make an appearance at any given hour.
All things effect us, if it be little or incredibly. Most important we decide how to feel, we decide on the outtake we have on life and situations. It is ultimately down to us.

Constantly Feeling

Wednesday 27 January 2016

You're my worst distraction
my biggest heart ache.
You're the centre of all my best thoughts
my main problem.

You're the reason
my smile is so wide.
You're the trigger
that releases the bullet of feelings.

You're like a cigarette
addictive and bad for me.
You're like my favourite perfume
I'm frightened to use you in case you run out.

You're a song I play on repeat
a lyric that calls out to me every time.
You're a place I like to visit
but don't see often enough.

You're you
and that's what I like the most.


Tuesday 26 January 2016

These feelings are over empowering
my thoughts are grazed.
These feelings; my heart devouring
you remain unfazed.

My shoulders are heavy with sorrow
lusting for your touch.
Your heart is the one I'd like to borrow
you make me feel so much.

I'm in this prison
keep a blind eye.
Stronger you're making the division
whose heart is in chains left to die?

In these chains of emotions I am stuck
watching you from a far.
It seems I am just out of luck
left with love's scar.

These feelings are breaking me
I'm confused and lost
I can't remember when I was last free
all of this for you, this is the cost?

These Feelings

Monday 18 January 2016

I want to be happy, and I want to be with him. But Lauren you know you don't really want that. I want to move forward from this stage of awkwardness. You would be lost without this stage of awkwardness, you're not even handling it properly as it is. I feel like I'm ready, I'm ready to accept the love I deserve. Lauren you aren't fooling anyone, you're not ready, you're never ready for anything, and we both know you aren't ready to accept the love you deserve, you're clueless to exactly what you deserve. I want to be happy, smiling and holding his hand. Lauren, need I tell you more about how you destroy your own happiness, you rarely smile and you can't even hold your own hand never mind anyone else'. I never want these butterflies to end, they're empowering and motivating. You're deluding yourself, you're not fooling anyone around  you, especially him, so stop trying to fool yourself.

Two Minds

I think I'm crazy, maybe even imaginative. What if I'm crazy with imagination? On the outside I appear dull, ugly even. But in my head that's not the case. In my head there is beauty, love, passion and devotion. Thoughts of things that haven't occurred  yet, or will never occur. My thoughts are in love and my heart agrees with it.  My imagination will pick up on a feeling and run with it, whilst dragging my heart behind it, letting it hit every bump in the road. I'll meet a person and my head I will know them a lifetime, we'll soon be having adventures and laying in each other's arms, the things that can only happen in my head. It doesn't matter if I have things to do, my thoughts will break through the dreary work. Spark a thought, ignite a feeling; setting my heart up into flames.  I get ahead of myself, ahead of life. Allowing myself to not see life pass before me, for I will always have my thoughts, they don't pass with life; they only broaden.

In my thoughts

Friday 15 January 2016

Today for Media I had to take out the camera, but had to get batteries first. So through town I went not really paying much attention, I knew were I was going so it was simply A to B. Once I obtained (the pokemon...) the batteries I slowly made my way back to college, but on the way I noticed something. I noticed how beautiful my home city really is. In the blur of life and being used to something you forget to see it's beauty, you take it for granted without a second thought. So my walk gradually got slower and my eyes wider. My city is pretty stunning! It inspired me, very much! For the next week so I'm going to explore my city, I'm going to photograph all the little moments and all the pretty places. I haven't done proper photography in a long time and well it's well overdue. I have the camera, and I'm inspired and that's all I really need! For the next week beginning tomorrow every blog post will have a photograph with it, one taking mine by me. As I explore my beautiful city,  you can to.


Tuesday 12 January 2016