Showing posts with label Christmas. Show all posts

The final boxes of 2018, we've ended on a high note. Two wonderful boxes from my usual amazing companies Book Box Club and Book Spot Box! Both subscriptions have been amazing this year, and I am so excited to see what they have installed for us in 2019.  They've really outdone themselves this time! I'll start with Book Box Club.
The theme of the December box is Rule the Stars, this is as cool as it sounds. I was surprised that it was not a Christmas themed box giving the month, but this box was cool. I wasn't too put out because BSB box was Christmas theme. 
There was a range of things in this box, from bookmark to Calendar to an amazing hardback book.
The card revealing the theme is stunning, I just had to snap a picture of it.

I will reveal favourite items at the end! But below is an overall look of the box, and what was is inside. If you are interested in subscribing to Book Box Club, it is £28.99 a month and as you can see, this being my third unboxing, it is worth every penny!

The book and description: 
The Splintered Silence by Kayla Olson
Lusca Space Station is doomed. All first-generation astronauts have been wiped out by a deadly virus, food supplies are running low and now a series of mysterious deaths is threatening the future of the ship's young crew. Cast into the role of the leader way before her time. Captain Lindley has some heavy responsibilities upon her shoulders. Can she navigate her way through the chaos, solve the ship's deadly secrets and survive the dramas of deepest space?
This doesn't sound like my usual kind of book, I didn't really find the description all that exciting. I will give it a go and maybe review it later! 

As always, I am obsessed with candles. I was very pleased to see this little gem in my box 'Cinder' candle by Elvenwick Candles. I love the description of this one: Light up the night sky with the bright flame of the true Lunar Queen! Scented with juniper, elderberries, orange and cranberries, this exclusive super-sparkly candle is inspired by the strong-willed cyborg heroine of the Lunar Chronicles. If you want your own here is the link:

This was a cute little item, the design is very pretty. This is the 'Kady Purse' illustrated by Rowatree. The description: No one rules the stars quite like kick-ass Kady from the Illuminae Files. Save your pennies in this exclusive Kady coin purse and get ready to embark upon your own space adventure. The website to buy this item is:

This pencil is cute, it is the 'Red Rising Pencil'. This is from the company Book Box Club themselves. The description is: Take inspiration from Darrow & Co and plot your path out of cosmic chaos with our Red Rising themed rainbow pencil.

In every box or so I also receive a little book or a snippet of a book. I love receiving these because I am forever looking to add books to my shelves. The cover of this one is quite a pretty one. I think that it is a good idea to share these little books, the company really help out writers- I think that this is wonderful.

I also received a little bath bomb, a little Astronaut. He's quite cute but a little broken. Nonetheless, I look forward to using this little fella when I go home.

Now onto the second box of the month, a Christmas box by Book Spot Box. This is the last monthly box of BSB, they will be moving to produce boxes that are released every second month. This may mean I might pick up another box sub or just keep to my usual two. This box was a festive joy to open. It really helped me get in the Christmas spirit. A lot of effort and thought was put into this box. If you wish to subscribe to this book box company it is £20 a month with £3.99 delivery.

This box was a pretty one, a few items were quite close to becoming my favourite, but I managed to narrow it down to one. The items varied from pins to snowflakes, and to tape and cute postcards.
I got another amazing candle, which I am very excited to light. The snowflake too was quite cute, both together really give you that cold Christmassy feeling.

 Winter warmed up!!

The candle is called ' Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo' I am living for the name! The scent is made of Sugar cookies, Vanilla cream and candy cane! A truly Christmassy concoction. 

The snowflake makes a cute decoration, I haven't found a place for it just yet. I'd better hurry!

The book that came with this box looks very festive with its cover.

Book description:
Snowflakes and Cinnamon Swirls at The Winter Wonderland by Heidi Swain.

After calling off her engagement, Hayley moves to Wynthorpe Hall to escape the town's gossip, but there will be no cowering beneath the covers this winter, as she finds herself immersed in the eccentric Connelly family's festive activities.
As preparations commence for the biggest event of the season, Hayley finds herself drawn to the newcomer Gabe, but unbeknownst to Hayley, he too has a reason for turning his back on love, one that seems intent on keeping them apart.
Under the starry winter skies, will Gabe convince Hayley to open her heart once more? And in doing so, will he convince himself?
Truth be told? I already like the cover more than the storyline. The description doesn't really sound very Christmassy. I don't usually read these type of novels, but it seems to have good praises and that it is more Christmassy than it leads you to believe. I hope so, I plan on reading this on my trip back home for Christmas.

 If you've seen my Instagram, you will know I have become... quite reliant on caffeine. You can imagine how happy this item made me, a cup cosy. Perfect for winter cuppas when I am out and about. I haven't used it yet, but I am excited to. 

I found this candy cane Santa pen quite the novelty item!

 Now, this!! This lovely bookmark quoting a Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens 'I will honour Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all year'. I have quite a soft spot for Dickens, his books are just works of magic. A Christmas Carol is definitely one of my favourites, alongside Great Expectations and Oliver Twist!
The colours are just bright and really well designed, this was pretty close to being my favourite item.
The postcard  is also a stunning piece. I won't be sending this out, just because I love it too much to share.

It is time to show you my favourite item from each box. From Book Box Club it is their 'Unashamedly Bookish Calendar' and from Book Spot Box is their Polar Express Pin. I haven't used a calendar in years, but this one is so perfectly bookish! My birth month picture is so cute too, a girl in a room filled with books!! The illustrations are just incredible and I cannot wait to post about them on my Instagram at the start of every month! The pin!! I absolutely adore The Polar Express, it is, in fact, my all-time favourite Christmas film, and the detail put into the pin is amazing. Blue and sparkly. This is attached to my jacket, spreading the cheer!!

Thank you reading this months unboxing, I hope you enjoyed it as much as I have! I'll look forward to January and seeing what the new year brings us! 

Book Box Subscriptions (December)

Thursday 20 December 2018


I won't drag on, I just want to wish you all well. Love, kindness and happiness- just a reminder to radiate these things. It's the little things that make Christmas special. Today for me it was watching my niece have fun and open her presents and playing for hours, that made me smile. My niece and I got given matching necklaces, they were silly and had little Me 2 U bears on with a jigsaw piece on each. Hers had best and mine friend, it was a small gift but means the absolute world to me. My family were beyond thoughtful with their gifts to me, some even made me cry. It isn't about gifts though, not really. This year I realized life is too short, and I have really learned to value family more than ever. Today was amazing because I got to see the majority of my family, and having all those familiar faces laughing in one room- a person could not wish for anything better. From me to you, Merry Christmas, happy holidays- stay safe and well!

from me to you

Monday 25 December 2017

I have returned back up North! Last week I left Brighton to go home for Christmas, and I could not be happier. I love University, and my flatmates are the most incredible people but boy, have I missed home! After being away for three months there was no better feeling than cuddling (and sobbing ) my dear mother. Nothing beats a hug from your mam.

Naturally, in order to get to Newcastle, I had to travel to London first. The little part I got to see is beautiful at Christmas, very different from what I saw three months ago upon my arrival. It was very festive, which made me even eager to be home with my family. Three trains later I arrived in Newcastle.

The first two trains were somewhat unpleasant, just busy. It was quite soothing the train from Kingscross, the sound of other geordies picked up my mood.

I love my flatmates but it can be quite overpowering being surrounded by southerners all the time. Especially since they cannot understand me half the time. Whilst being at Brighton there has been quite a few communication issues, here a couple.

1) During freshers, a drunk time for many, I offered a flatmate a can of Dark Fruits, in which I got the response 'why would he want dog food?' - funny but frustrating.

2) I had a job interview, you know how it is with money when you're a student, even if you're not it's that time of year. So my potential employer asks me the usual questions and one being 'what do you do for hobbies' my response being my usual one, I like to write and read- I've had a poem published. He looked at me horrified and responded 'what, you've published porn??' not only was I howling but we were both embarrassed. Once I corrected him, we had a bit banter about it. But,it would be my luck for porn to come up in an interview.

I have been home just a little over a week, my first proper day back I went out to explore. Granted, this wasn't on purpose. I came home from Uni early due to an orthodontics appointment which I had on my phone for half 10 the next morning. I was wrong, it wasn't until half 3 but I didn't find this out until I was already in town.  Going down Brighton definitely has made me appreciate my hometown more, I am embracing my inner commoner. I walked down streets with ease, which in all honesty I haven't done in Brighton yet- mainly because I still have to use Google Maps to get everywhere. With Newcastle it is home, I know it like the back of my hand. No maps needed, no worry just home.

I love Newcastle at Christmas. The stalls are up near monument, foods from different continents fill the air and the busy vibes just make you feel home. Plus, the Christmas shop opens. The shop that pretty much stays closed all year and then when December hits it's the most festive sight ever.

I loved being reunited with my family, my niece especially.  She hugged me so tight and I cried tears of happiness. I hate to be smushy but before Uni we hadn't really been apart since she was born. So, three months was difficult- I was unbelievably homesick but I managed. I love being able to take her to nursery again, putting her to bed and her distracting me with loads of little stories to escape falling asleep. I am back at work, it feels good to be back. I was worried  I had forgotten how to do bets but I had no worries. I am enjoying the familiarity.

I have to say, I do miss my flatmates. In Brighton they are my family, I'm lucky to have that dynamic. I am so close to the girls it is comforting. University is already altering me, my social life as well as the growth of knowledge. My wardrobe has had some changes too- I didn't know what a bralette was before, now I own quite a few! University is an amazing experience, weird but amazing. It is hard, no doubt about that- the workload as well as moving away from home. But, the hardest part is over.

Reunited with my doubled bed- single is shit! 

Home for Christmas

Wednesday 20 December 2017

Excited to go home
Cold weather
Elation of spirit
Merriness in high volume
Break- we all need this one
Entertainment all month round
Reindeer we do not care for- just family


Friday 1 December 2017

Christmas Eve Check List

  • House tidy 
  • Fresh bedding (always a winner)
  • Christmas DVD's - The Grinch and The Polar Express
  • Warm House (Set's the homily feel)
  • All family members in (Everyone safe and sound)
  • Takeout ordered (Chinese is our tradition)
  • Baths done - usually with Lush bath bomb
  • Cosy new Pj's
  • Hot chocolate 
  • Light Off
  • Christmas Lights on (tree)
  • Everyone around the TV
Above is how me and my family do Christmas eve, all of this for a build up to bed. It's warm and cosy. festive fun. I hope you all have a wonder Christmas Eve!

Christmas Eve Check List

Saturday 24 December 2016

Last day, ready to be on the coach for a couple hours. I think a night was enough, any longer and it would have been too much. It was possibly the last trip we will have before we all separate for University. It was short and sweet and we will be in home for Christmas.

Leeds 2.0

Friday 23 December 2016

I finished Sixth Form for the Christmas holiday yesterday, it was also my media deadline,which I met thankfully. A term has gone, a tough hardworking term and I am thankful it has come to a close. I'm becoming close to the end of A2, a couple months time I'll be sitting my final exams and then University. What an adventure this build up is, I am ready to pack my things and say goodbye to this city, but a few more months I need to survive.
Last night, I went to my best friend's gig. I had not seen him in a while so it was amazing to watch him play, even if his set was cut short. It was fun, and even though I was a little out of place I am glad I went. I cannot wait for his next gig in January.
I am glad to be off for two weeks, I need to recharge after working my ass off all term, so Christmas holidays should be eventful. I have Leeds to look forward to as well. The best part of being off for two weeks is that I can finally bury my head in books again, as well as see all my favourite people more! Plus I will be writing more, much better content hopefully.
I hope you all have an amazing Christmas holiday, if you do not celebrate then I hope you enjoy the time off at least!

Christmas holidays

Friday 16 December 2016

December is my favourite
Everyone is festive
Christmas it on its way
Evenings become cold
Many layers to keep us warm
Brushing past other busy shoppers
Everyone getting ready for the oe day
Ready for a blissful family gathering


Friday 2 December 2016

Dear December,

Finally you are here, the finale of 2016. Let the festivity begin, the decorations come out, the Buble blasting and the cheer, oh the cheer. I love this time of the year, potential snow (probably not) hot chocolate all the time, and the homemade stu - yes please! I am so excited, I get time off from sixth form, a gig to go to, Leeds with the girls, and Christmas! I even plan on having a festive theme on Instagram, I am really feeling the Christmas festivity!

See you on the other side, I'll probably be a stone heavier from amazing food and/or drunk out of my senses!

Dear December

Thursday 1 December 2016

In the era we live in our lives are enriched in the 'celebrity', they fill our social networks, our newspapers, and we find ourselves more than often talking about them. These people whom we may have never met before we kind of obsess over such humans, or least have an opinion of them. If it be writing an article about shaming the Kardashians or tweeting a rant about how you hate an artists' new album. It seems we are the generation who feels the needs to put our two pence worth in and share our opinion, even if it does no good. I am not here to rant about mass media and our polution of words from behind a screen but how some celebrities have (some or a lot depending on who) impact on our lives.
One celebrity whom I have come to adore over the years is Mister Buble. Yes, the profoundly known for hibernating through the year until Winter comes along and he springs to life with Christmas music. If you're a fan like I, you listen to his non-Christmas music as well the Christmas music. Michael Buble, for me is the symbol of Christmas. The moment I hear his raspy voice singing Santa Baby I am instantly in the Christmas spirit, if it be March (yes I am that kind of person) or December, Buble simply ignites my spirit.
I was listening to his Christmas album when on the radio it was announced Buble's son had been diagnosed with Cancer, and it broke my heart. For any parent to have that happen to their child, at Christmas (or any time of the year really) it made me feel awful. I turned the album off, and I pondered on how his family must be feeling and the pressure on all of them. The Buble family are lovely people, and for something horrible to happen it is just uncalled for. The thought of the Buble's being heartbroken, made me feel sad and kind of fall out of the Christmas spirit. It made me thinking about all families across the world going through the same thing, and how trecherous Cancer is and how it can strike any time on any person.
The thought of the man who brings so much joy to others (at least for me) having to go through this, he and his family don't deserve this (no one does).  Michael being my symbol of Christmas, if he isn't having a cheery wonderful holiday then simply how can I be (Mellow dramatic I know). I found myself hoping for a miracle for this little boy, someone I hadn't ever met, hoping for all those families across the world who have lost or could lose people to Cancer (or any disease) it is heart wrenching.
I have never felt such a relief when he announced his son has 90% survival rate. This little boy has a good chance of survival, I hope he kicks Cancer's ass.
Some people across the world aren't as lucky, and this has made me realise how blessed I am. Blessed for the life I live, and the people around me that I love. In the past, I have lost a loved one to Cancer, and I remember the impact that had on the family, I was young but it wasn't nice seeing my family the way they were. So this year, as an adult I feel like I can really appreciate life. Every day I am choosing to make a difference, do something to help someone. If it be a donation to charity or buy food for a homeless person in the street, it's the small things. It doesn't hurt to be kind. We never know how long we have this earth, and I think it's important you make every day count. I hope you all have a blessed day, be kind and don't take the little things for granted.

Celebrity Culture - The Buble

Saturday 12 November 2016

For some reason my blogger app wouldn't allow me to post yesterday's count down but never mind. So it's Christmas well it's nearly over.
It's been lovely, family and food. Everything was great. I hope you all have had  a wonderful day. I'm feeling blessed and generally happy.
Also in need for a good ten hour sleep! Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Friday 25 December 2015

I'm venturing out today, I have an orthodontics appointment. Sadly two days before Christmas,I hope to god I'm able to eat my Christmas dinner. Yes that's my main worry, I'm not even joking.
I'm also doing a bit of last minute shopping afterwards, for one present. So I predict I will be pretty irritated by the time I'm finished.
Also I feel since its Christmas I should spend time seeing family, so tonight I'm heading over to my sister's house. I'm staying the night so I can see her and my lovely little niece. Then tomorrow I plan on getting the early bus into town then home. Then let the Christmas fuss begin!!
I probably won't be watching Home Alone 3 tonight as planned but it's okay.
I thought I ought to post now as I'm getting ready in case I can't post later!  Happy Christmas eve eve!

2 Days To Go

Wednesday 23 December 2015

An early post today, I have woken up a little early today. It's good not to have to get up, rush to get ready and leave for college. I can just do things at a normal pace, chilled and stress free. So we are now in the top three days of the countdown. Tonight's film shall be Home Alone 2, I mean I might as well since I watched the first last night.
I'm thinking for New Year I might make a few changes to my blog, layout maybe even content. I just feel as though I need to be more organised. 
I just ate Pizza for breakfast, and now I'm currently enjoying a lovely cup of tea (made my yours trully) and listening to music. Today I plan on doing some writing, I need to sort my wattpad out. It is all over the place, I have so many stories going on it's driving me crazy, I need to prioritize!
Since the holidays have taken over, the strangest thing is happening, I'm using social media more than ever, I've always used it but on Facebook for instance I don't usually post or share anything but damn I've been very active, I usually just use Facebook to be nosey but no I am getting involved with the posting and stuff, it's interesting I believe, I'm not used to sharing or posting stuff on Facebook. I'm only accustomed to sharing something every few months. 
I'm feeling the festivity, the stories I am planning on working on I may even slip in a Christmas chapter, because why not? Nothing like raising spirits! (not literal spirits we all know my fear of that sort of thing.)
So Three days to go, my parents are already out rushing around whilst I'm house sitting, not bad at all. It gives me time to tidy up (or pretend to) and get some writing done! Happy Three days!

3 Days To Go

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Admittedly I haven't really done much today, I have spent a lot of hours on Sims. It's pretty addictive! I am now settling down for the night, and tonight's Christmas film is Home Alone! Yes, everyone knows of the infamous Home Alone films.
 I was once left at home, not for a long period of time but we were moving house and as a kid I liked to check I left nothing behind in my bedroom and then when I returned downstairs it was empty, no one there. I stood at the front door, which was now locked sobbing my little heart out, luckily enough my family noted my absence several minutes after before driving away. I laugh now, it is funny. At the age I was (I cannot remember)  fear struck. I didn't want to be trapped on my own, I still don't now, obviously. 
When you're young you're naive, fearful and very close minded. Well I was, I had the most outrageous fears and I still do now, like my huge fear of ghosts and being possessed. 
I hope you liked my little true anecdote, and well happy four days!

4 Days To Go

Monday 21 December 2015

This week has been the first week I've watched Christmas films this year. Thursday I watched Charles' Dickens A Christmas Carol 1984 version and tonight I watched Disney's version 2009. They are both very close to the novel. The 2009 A Christmas Carol is one of my favourite Christmas films.
Now that we are in the five days running up to Christmas I plan on watching one/maybe several Christmas films each night. I enjoyed tonight's film, I find it quite jump scare in some places, and it has some dark humor especially for Disney but I love it nonetheless.
I have become one of millions who use Netflix, and it is great, mainly for series. It is limited, so for Christmas week I think I'm going to have to kick it old school and pull out the DVD's. Nothing beats
a good DVD, especially if it's The Polar Express or even The Grinch.
Technically it is almost day 6, half hour away to be exact. I am hoping my the Christmas films bring me some well needed festivity, I'm just not quite feeling it yet.
I've been seeing posts about Michael Buble coming out of hibernation now it's Christmas, it has been everywhere. Any mention of the Buble and that is quoted, I'm starting to think maybe I am the only person to listen to the Buble all year round? I adore his voice and just he is an amazing guy. A fact for you guys, around exam times I have trouble sleeping so I turn to music to help and it's always Michael Buble's Dream A Little Dream Of Me, something about the song and how he sings it, just makes me feel so mellow and dreamy, yeah so it could be said Buble gets me through exam times! Also his You've Got A Friend In Me - one of my many favourites.
That's it for tonight, happy fifth day until Christmas? Yeah good night!

5 Days To Go

Sunday 20 December 2015

It is only 6 days until Christmas. 6 days. I cannot comprehend that right now, six days. The year is almost over, when did this happen? I  have been thinking about this year, and well it hasn't been a bad one really. I feel like it has been balanced between everything. I am hoping to do a count down to Christmas and then to new year.
I've been reading my horoscope for next year, and it seems I have a good year ahead of me. Not many believe in the whole horoscope thing, but I do. It can be pretty accurate at times, and it sometimes even provides explanation for things, with planets and what not.
Having read the horoscope, it isn't certain, nothing ever is. I am feeling like 2016 is going to be a big year, I can feel it. I think maybe on New Year's eve I will do a prediction for 2016, hopes and aspirations and what not.
I'm not sure if I am excited for Christmas yet, I've been pretty hyped for the Christmas holidays mainly for the fact I get two weeks from college. I do love Christmas, all the films and the Christmas dinner oh boy the Christmas dinner!
I'm not sure what kind of audience I have here, if I have an audience even. I post whatever I feel like, but it would be helpful if suggestions are made, as an audience I want to know what you want to read more of.
I don't mind writing for the hell of it, just because I want to, that's great I love doing so. This is all I've got for you for today/tonight. Until tomorrow my friends!

6 DaysTo Go

Saturday 19 December 2015

- a little late posting I'm terribly sorry -

So it's the festive month of Christmas (hooray). It's also the worst month of Winter (BOO) however the weather may be low the spirits must stay high. I begin December wearing a festive jumper, not my usual thing but let's just go with it.
I enjoy December, the excitement of knowing I'm off for two weeks, that is the best feeling in the world well maybe second best, the first best feeling in the world is Christmas day. Having the family together, everyone on their best behaviours, and most importantly the Christmas dinner, oh boy my favourite thing. I am mainly in love with the Christmas dinner because of my mother's homemade stuffing, with sausage meat and what not oh yes!
Also I've realised IT IS DECEMBER!! LIKE ALREADY! Where has this year gone? I mean what? It's almost 2016, a new year and I'm just so surprised how fast this year has gone.
For December I just hope for happiness and hope itself. Also it is now socially acceptable to spend my nights with hot chocolate and grinning from ear to ear at some cheesy Christmas film!
Make this month about family, love and friendship!

Hello December!

Thursday 3 December 2015