Showing posts with label Chess. Show all posts
I didn't think it through. I took the orders and marched forward, unaware of the feelings that would bleed long after. Mixing the chemicals the reaction was never considered, what was to be expected? A settled liquid of  a pretty colour? When the reality is it boiled into a steamy overflowing mess of smoke and danger. After the first mountain erupted it set of another, like a set of glass dominos destroying each piece as it falls.
Was it a wasted game of chess? The pawns were set and the game I thought had began, after all that time maybe the King was never meant for the Queen. He could settle for a Castle and she a Knight, a Knight where she will see her reflection and show her the true monster she is. It was never meant to happen this way, but it isn't like chess is it? We have no control, at least not of others, we can only control ourselves. Decide on the square, plan the capture and Check Mate.

Sunday's Secret

Sunday 17 April 2016

Last night went amazingly, there were drinks, laughter, loud music, and even facebook messages (oops). I discovered two things last night 1) Drunk Lauren is way better at bowling than Sober Lauren 2) Heels should be worn cautiously. I had a blast, the four of just enjoyed the game. I nearly lost my the bowl and on the way home I almost had an ankle injury. Along with that I even sent some of my friends some selfies, they weren't embarrassing ones so it is okay, they were just drunk ones. Admittedly, it doesn't take me long to get drunk, a double vodka and coke kick started that off!
This morning I expected to wake up with a horrible hangover but it seems that wasn't the case. I spent the whole day chilling in bed with my best friend, where we gossiped, laughed, listened to music, eat food and watched videos until I left about three. Due to match day madness (my team winning!) I didn't get home until five. I then bathed and I've been playing online Chess with one of my dearest friends, turns out I'm pretty crap at that too!
Tomorrow I plan on getting whatever work I have done, and then maybe spend a few cheeky hours on Sims! This weekend has been well needed, and I hope to make it a monthly thing because it's lovely and it's nice to go out have a few drinks and not have a single care or worry in the world!

The Day After

Saturday 6 February 2016