Showing posts with label Book tag. Show all posts
Hello, lovelies!

Yes, you read that right in the title. A book tag. They were huge on YouTube and within the blogging community years ago, and quite frankly I'd love to see more around! So, I have done some deep research and found an Autumn-inspired book tag. I found this one on Books, Baking, and Blogging page! So, let's get started!

1. Are there any books you plan on reading over the autumn season?
Yes! I recently picked up a copy of Anne Rice's Interview with the Vampire, and Stephen King's IT. I'm starting the first one this week, and hopefully, have them both finished by the end of October. Other than those two, I'll be trying to dwindle down my never-ending TBR shelf ready for the new year!

2. September brings back school memories: what book did you most enjoy studying? 
This is such a great question, I loved studying books at school. And that's why I continued to do it at Uni, so I have studied MANY books. My favourite book to study has to be Charles Dickens's Great Expectations, we did it at A-Level and it was such a brilliant book to analyse and read. 

3. October means Halloween: do you enjoy scary books and films? If so what are some of your favourites?
Okay, so yes and no. I enjoy scary things, but they cause me severe nightmares. So, I have to keep scary things to the daytime because my brain can't handle these things at night. The best scary film I ever watched was The Descent. Unfortunately, I haven't found a favourite scary book yet! I did enjoy a thriller a couple years back by Helen Fields, it was called Perfect Prey and it was a detective story following a serial killer. I remember reading on a long train journey home at night and it really freaked me out. I am still very much on the search for a favourite horror book.

4. With November it’s time for bonfire night and firework displays. What’s the most exciting book you’ve read that really kept you gripped?
If you've been here a while this answer won't surprise you at all. But I stand by it every time, the Divergent trilogy. I love them with my whole being, no matter how many times I read them I am gripped. Every. Single. Time. Kudos to Veronica Roth for capturing my heart with this series.

5. What book is your favourite cosy comfort read?
Again, this will surprise no one but The Great Gatsby. I read it at least once a year, it's beautiful and heartbreaking. It will forever be my go-to book when I'm feeling a little out of sorts.

6. Curled up with a good book, what is your hot drink of choice?
This is a no brainer: a nice cup of tea. Just your simple British tea (Tetley or Yorkshire) goes down nicely whilst reading. If I'm about reading in a coffee shop though it's a latte, I have trust issues when it comes to other people making me a cup of tea.

7. Any autumn recommendations for other readers:

I haven't read many horror books but I do enjoy fantasy and anything witchy! Here are a few books I've read that fit the season: 
  • The Ex Hex by Erin Sterling
  • Coraline by Neil Gaiman 
  • Witch by Finbar Hawkins
  • Cunning Women by Elizabeth Lee 
I really enjoyed doing this book tag, I think there will definitely be more on the blog in the future! Thank you for reading, and be amazing as ever. Stay tuned for a book review next week!

Autumn Book Tag

Friday 21 October 2022


Happy Tuesday my lovelies, this week I bring you another book tag! The last one I did was roughly a month ago and it was the Coffee Book Tag.  I came across the Life in Books tag through this blog: BostonBookReader. It looked fun so I thought I would give it a go. If you would like to also do this tag, take this post a tag from me to you. I decided I would do this tag with books on my bookshelf!  Let's begin:

Find a book for each of your initials:

  • Lady Audley's Secret by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
  • Alice's Adventures in Wonderland by C.S Lewis
  • Mistress of all evil by  Serina Valentino
Count your age along your bookshelf. What book is it? Mother Knows Best by Serina Valentino. This is part of the twisted tales set that Mistress of all evil also belongs to. I have only read one in the set so far but I do like the concept of Disney tales retold. I recently read the Aladdin twisted tale A Whole New World and it was brilliant.

A book set in your city/country: Blow Your House Down by Pat Barker. I bought this for a module at University, a pretty decent read. It is quite graphic but also it's the first book I have ever read set in and around Newcastle. I have since read it again after my degree, I have become quite a fan of Pat Barker.

A book that represents a destination you would love to travel to: Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire. I would love to be apart of the wizarding world, it has been a dream of mine since I was a child. I choose this book particularly because I think to the games live would be insane and such a magical experience.

A book that's your favourite colour? Playlist for the Dead by Michelle Falkoff. I am obsessed with the colour blue recently! I enjoyed reading this book in 2018, very emotional. You can find my review of this book here: Playlist for the Dead.

Which book do you have the fondest memories of? What would Boudicca do? By Beth Coates and Elizabeth Foley. I read this book on the last holiday I went on which was in 2018 Egypt. I loved everything about this book from the empowering historic women to the artwork! 

Which book did you have the most difficulty reading? Not so much difficulty as struggling to read, the book I found emotionally difficult to deal with was Allegiant by Veronica Roth, I have yet to recover from Tris' death and I read that book many years ago.

Which book in your TBR pile will give you the biggest accomplishment when you finish it? The Green Mile by Stephen King. Not only is it a lengthy book but I am not emotionally prepared to read it, I know the books are always better than the films but the film makes me wreck. I can only imagine what impact the novel will have on me. I really want to read it but I don't have the emotional capacity to at the moment.

Thank you for reading this week's post! Your support means the world to me, next week I will be back with an original piece of creative writing. I cannot wait to show you guys, hope you have a fabulous week!

Life in Books (Book tag)

Tuesday 27 April 2021


I saw this idea floating around and I just couldn't resist! I found this particular tag and set of questions on another person's blog, I don't know them personally I just loved this idea here is a link to their page:

I will be answering bookish questions this one is in relation to coffee, different types of coffee, which we all know I absolutely adore. 

If you'd like to have a go in the comments or on your own writing platform consider this as a tag to you! Here we go:

1) Black Coffee: Name a series that's tough to get into but has hardcore fans.

This is a no brainer for me, Twilight. I tried to get into it but I just could not. I have this weird hatred for Twilight and don't really understand how people can enjoy it. I know so many people who simply adore this series, but I just don't get it. I think for me it's the sparkling vampires, growing up I was really into bad-ass vicious vampires like the ones from The Lost Boys or Queen of the Damned etc. and I am just in awe at the ridiculousness of the vampires in Twilight. At the time of this release I filled my vampire love elsewhere with Rachel Caine's Morganville Vampire Series- highly recommend. 

2) Peppermint Mocha: Name a book that gets more popular during the winter or a festive time of year.

This is a tough one because I don't really read Christmas books myself, but I must say having worked in a bookshop I noticed the sales of Tom Fletcher's The Christmasarus rise around Christmas time and there is always an influx around this period since it's release in 2017. I bought it for my niece alongside the teddy, she loved it.

3) Hot Chocolate: What is your favourite children's book?

For this, I would have to say The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. I read it again a year or so ago and it was just beautiful. As a child, I loved the idea of having a secret garden, the beauty of it. Such a wonderful book, with beautiful imagery and just an all-round good story.

4) Double Shot of Espresso: Name a book that kept you on the edge of your seat from start to finish.

The first book that popped into my head is Perfect Prey by Helen Fields. The first crime book I had ever read, and it was so damn good. I read it maybe three years ago and I still think about it.  I finished this book on the train home at night. So much regret, I was incredibly creeped out once I got off the train.

5) Starbucks: Name a book you see everywhere.

This is a good one, at the moment there have been a few books I am constantly seeing everywhere I am not sure if it is the universe telling me to purchase them or what but they are:

  • Sadie: A Novel by Courtney Summers
  • Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo
6) Hipster Coffee Shop: Give a book by an indie author a shoutout.

The most recent Indie book I have read would be Beneath the Waters by Juliet Llewellyn! I enjoyed this book and recently written a book review for it, if you want to check it out here is the link:

7) Oops! I accidentally got decaf: Name a book you were expecting more from.

Studying literature we learned the importance of reading the classics and I had heard a few people rave about Virginia Woolf and her works. I thought I would give Mrs Dalloway ago, and truth be told it was entirely boring and somewhat pointless. I had expected so much more! I haven't given up entirely on Woolf, I do hope to delve into more of her work soon!

8) The Perfect Blend: Name a book or series that was both bitter and sweet but ultimately satisfying.

Weirdly, my answer is more or less the same as the person I found this tag from. Divergent series by Veronica Roth, I still remember the first time I read them and finished them sobbing my little heart out. It was so intense. I would also say for this question The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins would be a close second, it played with my heart like a cat with a toy! Both excellent trilogies I would recommend just have tissues near you.

That is the end of this Coffee Book Tag, what were your thoughts? I absolutely loved it! I really enjoyed writing about the books I have read and it was so fun to write this blog post! I think I would like to do more of these in the future. Thank you for reading, hope you all have a fabulous week!

Coffee Book Tag

Wednesday 24 March 2021