Showing posts with label American Psycho. Show all posts


This year I have been able to read a few books already, at the start of the year I decided to not set a goal as I didn't want to put to pressure on myself. I am currently reading Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. I read this book for the first time a couple of years ago and I just really wanted to reread it again. I am loving every page of it! I really enjoy the comfort of reading something you love, the pages and characters welcoming you back like an old friend!

Every and any bookworm has a list of books that they would like to read, I have a huge one in the notes of my phone but every time I look at it it scares me! I decided to narrow it down to books I would like to read in the near future.

I thought I would share this list with you guys:

  • American Psycho - Bret Easton Ellis
  •  Swing Time - Zadie Smith
  • The Green Mile - Stephen King
  • Jack of Hearts (and other parts) - Lev A.C Rosen
I do have all of these on my bookshelf, this year I am trying to read more books on my shelf rather than going out and purchasing new books. These are books that have been on my reading list for quite a while and I want to tackle this list. Again, I won't be putting too much pressure on myself. What is currently on your TBR list?

Books To Be Read

Tuesday 30 March 2021