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If you don’t follow me on Instagram (@writingmyheart) you will not know about my new found obsession! For months I’ve been gazing at book box subscriptions. If you don’t know what that is, it is essentially a subscription to a company(s) and every month they send you out a book as well bookish goodies! For a long time I had only seen them in the US so at the end of September, I went on a hunt for some UK based subscriptions. I came across a few and have favored two BookSpotBox and BookBoxClub! Both amazing companies and the boxes they’ve sent so far have been insane!!

BookSpotBox is the first box I subscribed to, the second wasn’t too far behind but this one delivered to me first. I pay £20 for a book, this one isn’t a subscription service. You basically go onto their website ( and pick the box you want to buy. Delivery is under £4, this is one of the cheapest boxes I’ve found. But don’t let that fool you, the quality of the box is still high end!  The first box I’ve received from Kate (the owner of BSB) is called the Blood&Bodies! Halloween theme as you can guess since we are in the October month. I didn’t know what to expect from my first box (a book obviously) so I was more than happy when the box got delivered. Okay so, I’m going to show you an unboxing of the box. What I got inside and my favourite items etc. 

I love the running theme of the book, it goes with a cup and coaster. The theme of blood with needle pen! I also love how the box comes with a ‘flesh weaver’ scented candle. I’m obsessed with candles lately! 
My favourite item from this box has to be the IT magnetic bookmarks. They’re so cute and creative, I’m really looking forward to using them when I start reading the book! With the spooky month, I’m looking forward to having the candlelight, book in hand and wrapped up in a blanket. 
I’ve seen mixed reviews about the book, but due to Uni work, I haven’t had the chance to read it yet. But I will soon, and when I do expect a review!! I have ordered their November box too ‘Wizard & Witches’ I am so excited about this box, and I can’t wait to receive the box and show you guys next month! 

The second book subscription is BookBoxClub! I actually tried to enter a rep competition for this company but wasn’t successful. Still, no salty feelings because their box was insane!! The cost of this box, monthly subscription, is £28.99! I think the price is reasonable for what you get, at first I was a bit hesitant but when the box arrived I fell in love with everything!  The theme of this months box is called ‘Fantasy Lands’ it featured a wide range of items, from Alice in Wonderland to Narnia and even to As Travars. 

Very cute box, the wrapping was really good too! Before I show you everything, I will show the item I loved the most! This item is just so perfect and I didn’t expect it. 

 The Coraline cookie! I should really eat this but I haven’t got the heart to destroy it!  The design is so pretty, I think the supplier of the cookie is  GardenersCookies ( I haven’t had the cookie yet so I can’t tell you how it tastes but 10/10 for design!!
So here is the rest of the box, everything is so creative and well made. It was definitely a good box for my first book box from BookBoxClub.

You get soap (LOTR theme) and the tea leaves. The tea leaves are my second favourite item, I’ve had a few cups already. It tastes like liquid After Eights. So good! Again, haven’t had the chance to read the book but definitely will read soon before the next box is sent out. The bag is pretty, before the box I didn’t really know  As Travars and I am still unsure but I appreciate the design! I actually took the tote bag to Uni last week, I was feeling super bookish! The Narnia beanie is pretty cool too, I haven’t worn it just because I don’t think I suit beanies but I am trying to get a good enough picture with it on!  
In this box (like the other box) I’ve got given cards with things on, book related and quotes type of things. I am wanting to put this up on my room I am just looking for the right place! November’s box is the theme of Smugglers and Thieves. I love pirates so I’m buzzing for this one!! 
I’m hoping to continue with buying subscription boxes and keep posting about them on here. So you guys can see, and perhaps subscribe? and to appreciate the companies really. The creativity and thought gone into the boxes are appreciated and I adore everything!
So, if you’re just as bookish as I am, I would recommend starting or trying out a book subscription box! If you already do, tell me about it below! Show me your favourite goodies! 
Thank you for reading, and the next post is a book review next week! 

Book Box Subscriptions (October)

Tuesday 30 October 2018

This is a little chapter I had written a couple months ago. It was part of a fictional journal I created for the Narrative module on my degree. This piece was inspired by Alice and Wonderland by Lewis Caroll and Cat O' Nine tails by Julia Goulding. It was a fun piece to write and I have decided to share it on here! I am not sure I'll ever carry this piece forward but I did enjoy writing it. 

Coral Ali

It did not take me long to realise that I was not like other girls. Now I look back, all the signs were there. At the age of four at the fancy dress parties, all the girls would come dressed as princesses and I insisted on coming as a pirate. Every single time. I did not care, I loved dressing up as different fictional pirates.  I remember the day trips my parents took me on, I always wanted to visit the beach. I did not care much for dolls, instead I was far more intrigued by boats and treasure.  I had always been fascinated with pirates and the sea, I am still unsure where this fascination has stemmed from but at a young age, I decided I wanted my own ship and to sail the sea with my crew.  I wanted to be a real-life pirate. I got my first job at sixteen, minimum wage at the docks. This was where my pirate days began to come to life. I began helping load cargo, washing down some of the boats that came in every week. It was here where I bet a boy, a boy who later became my best friend and sailing partner. The boy was called Joe Shield, he thought I was mad. We both became apprenticed on the same ship together at the same time, she was called Coral Ali. She was small but a beauty, we were the only apprentices of the owner, Timmy Redding. We didn’t see much of him, he told us what to do and let us get on with it. Joe and I became close quickly, I told him about my dream of owning my own ship and having my crew. Joe wasn’t a very imaginative guy but asked if he could tag along, help me with my crew and to mend the ship if it needed it. His home life was a wreck, and I figured he needed an escape just as much as me.  Together on board of the Coral Ali we learned how to maintain a boat, how to fix any occurring problems. Timmy only taught Joe how to sail though, he did not think it was a girl’s job. He was not a huge fan of me, I think he only hired me because I was the only other person to accept the low pay job alongside Joe. I began to hate Timmy quickly, but I respected him. He would let us travel on the boat with him sometimes, I witnessed him making hundreds of trades. He is a tough man, built well but stern. He would let no man mess him around, and he became my inspiration as a captain. Our dislike for each other fuelled me to work harder, Joe was a good guy, but I managed to further myself as an apprentice quicker than he. I did help him when I could, he was never salty. We both enjoyed each other’s company.  Later Joe taught me to sail, everything Timmy taught him he taught me, I will always be grateful for that. We worked on board of Coral Ali for a good three years, until Timmy went off the rails and crashed her, smashing poor Coral into smithereens. Joe and I were heartbroken. Timmy snapped at us.
“I am done with her, you two do as you please with her remains. Your apprentice is done, we are through,” Timmy had given up and lost all his passion. That hurt my heart. To this today I still could not imagine the heartache of losing your love for something.

Even though we were both upset by the termination of our apprenticeship, we soon found something new. Together we decided it was time to live out my dream, and that’s when we took Timmy’s words with us. We took Coral’s remains, she looked damaged beyond repair. There was no way we could have fixed her, instead, we decided we were going to build a whole new ship entirely. 

Coral Ali

Monday 21 May 2018