Showing posts with label 2018. Show all posts
I have been wondering how or what to write for my annual post about bidding the year farewell. Looking at previous years, 2016 I went for the things I am blessed for. 2017 was more 20of it's been a tough one but I pulled through kind of post. I feel like the past few years have been big years for me and this year was just... random aftermath of those years.
I sit on my bed, full of cold with a glass of wine and a pack of hobnobs. It is always good to reflect back, I didn't exactly know where to start but let's begin with my #bestnine on Instagram.

The grid above is the posts that my Instagram followers liked the most, and even though these pictures do not sum up the whole year they do highlight some of the best bits.  2018? The year for trying to be more body confident, the goal I set every year, and I am getting there. The year of a cool new tattoo (or two or three), it seems my Slytherin one was quite the hit! This was the year I actually experimented with makeup, and I can happily say I am getting better! This was the year I changed my hair a lot, blonde to blue, to even green to blonde and then back to Brunette! I need to stop making impulsive hair decisions. I had the most amazing holiday to Egypt with the people I love. That was a huge highlight! I feel like this year has been overall, alright. I am learning the ins and outs of adulthood, money managing and living, trying to cook and look after myself, all whilst working and attending Uni. It's hard. This year I learned that in 2019 I need to get my shit together.

This isn't a whole new year new me, because I am actually starting to like myself. I see the upcoming year as a way of improving myself, big things are ahead- I can feel it! My braces come off, after 5 years, and I am excited to see the end result- especially since I have always been self-conscious about my teeth. I plan on getting healthy, this sounds cliche as fuck. But I don't mean just my body, I mean my mental health. I will be joining the gym though, in February. I would do the whole joining in January thing but I am not in Brighton long enough to dedicate January to the gym. I want to start eating better, so more homecooked meals, I enjoy cooking but half the time I just can't be bothered. In March I turn 21, a proper adult, which is scary but also exciting. I haven't decided on what shenanigans we will get up to for that! I hope to do a little more travelling this year, some cities around the UK like Glasgow and Manchester, as well as maybe a cheeky holiday before year 3 starts at Uni.  
I have decided to get my shit together financially. Something I have been crap with since before I started earning money. I just need to manage everything, become more organised. I bought this little gem to help me. I guess something to motivate me really. I have always wanted to be one of those women who keep a diary, write important crap down and just take control of their shit. I am also aiming to read at least 40 books next year, I only managed 24 this year. 

I just feel like this year is going to be my year, focusing on myself and just being happy. Happiness is all any of can really ask for. And if I haven't achieved any of the above this time next year then sod it, I know I'll probably have memories to look back on!

So, 2018! You have been weird, just plain weird. I feel blessed having made another year on this earth, to this one and the next! I wish all my lovely readers the best 2019 possible,   god knows you all deserve it! 

One last note, I do hope to expand my blog more, and my writing. This year is ours!


Monday 31 December 2018


Liberty is our destiny 

Yet why are there souls still caged 

Poverty, war and death 

Please tell me that you’re just as outraged?

Politicians acting like children

Throwing insults like in the playground 

Only the playground is our home 

Threats and fear mongering destroying-

The only place that we know.

How do you expect the younger generations 

To care?

When all you set out to do is humiliate and scare

Treating each other like inferiors

No wonder we refuse to believe-

You are the superiors 

What happened to being kind?

Violence, spats and war

Cold countries, homeless on the street

Where is their peace of mind?

When all you care about it your reputation 

Refusing to defeat starvation.

This is my recent poem I’ve been working on! I’m hoping to perform this as well as some others at the next Shine So Hard Poetry night! Keep an eye out for the video!


Saturday 27 January 2018

There is a million things I could comment on about this year, how I’ve had the most difficult year of my life or how I’ve achieved things I never thought I could. 

I’ve lost people, and been heartbroken but I have also gained the most amazing flatmates and course friends. 

I got into University and moved away from home to my favourite city: Brighton.

I’ve learned to value my friends and family and appreciate all the little things in life. 

It’s been such a confusing year, from laughing into early hours to breakdowns on the kitchen floor. I’m not going to lie and say I’ve got my shit together this year, because I really don’t and I very much doubt I will any time soon. 

I’m not making resolutions for the New Year, I just want to be happy and healthy. I figure after 2017, I can pretty much tackle whatever 2018 throws at me!

So let the New Year celebrations commence, I wish you all the best! 

Goodbye 2017

Sunday 31 December 2017