It's the last minutes of 2016, before entering the new year I want to reflect on the positive things that have happened in my life over the last 365 days.
Sure we can focus on the negative things, but what's the point? It's the moments that we are our happiest that really means something.
I want make note of all the things I am grateful for in 2016, and all the things that made my year the best it could be.
- New friends, I've made new friends, this year I found my friendship group. The girls who make me laugh and have shown me new ways and new places.
- Travelling, I've always loved the idea of travelling and this year I began pursuing that love. So far to Leeds and Edinburgh, I look forward to the places I will travel in 2017.
- Love, I have found two kinds of love this year. This year has been a journey of self love, I've become more self aware and decided to take a more positive outlook on my self and I can now proudly say I 100% love myself for who I am, body, personality and all.
The second love I found within recent months, a love I haven't talked about on my blog but if you've seen my social media his name has cropped up a few places; Jonny. My boyfriend, who I met this year and I'm falling so deeply in love with. I'm grateful for him, when I was ready to call it a day and accept my single life he appeared and I'm so happy he did.
- Published, August I received a letter and a certificate for a poem I had wrote and in September it was published in an anthology with other writers in the North East. This was a huge amazing step for my writing career.
- University, I applied for University and got an offer back from my dream university; University of Brighton. I cried reading my offer and I cannot wait to work for it and go in 2017.
- I turned 18 this year, this meaning I'm an adult now and well mainly I can legally buy and drink alcohol. This has brought me many moments, some great and fabulous others hilarious and gross, I love all my little drunk 2016 moments.
- Family, this year I've become so close with my eldest sister. I'm so grateful for her, not only for being my best friend but for being there for me all the time. My niece, she has also made my 2016, the little bundle of joy who blesses my day most days. She's such a joy and I'm a very proud auntie. I have so much love for my family, all of who support me, especially my parents who always have my back and will go the end of the world to help me. Also it's been a good year for my parents, my mam and her charity have been doing amazing, and after a long time trying dad is back into work.
- My blog, and those who read my blog. I love having my blog, a place for my thoughts and writing, I'm blessed for little haven of mine.
Despite a lot going on in the world and all bad things that have been happening world wide it's still important to look at our own lives and realize all the good things that have happened to us individually. I do not regret a single thing from 2016, and I can only hope for a just as good 2017. Happy New Year, I wish you all the very best and prosperous 2017.
Saturday, 31 December 2016
It is Saturday evening, and I return back to college on Monday. I am not prepared at all. I did do my media work, my enrichment work too. I have free lessons during the week where I plan on doing my English work. Tomorrow I plan on doing all of my film work so that will be out of my hair.
If you haven't noticed I am doing some set weekly stuff -
Thursdays - Quote of the week
Fridays' (or maybe every other Friday) - Book reviews
Sunday - Film review
I like to have set things sometimes, it keeps things in order and you guys get to read my thoughts on things. Is there anything more or less you guys want on my blog? I am open to new ideas. Would you guys like me to write about recommendations on my favourite things? Or more poetry? Or creative writing. I'd love to hear from you (if you're reading this) please comment, and thank you!
51 Days into 2016
Saturday, 20 February 2016
2015, I believe you were good to me. You sorted my head out at least, pointed me in the right direction and have opened many doors for me. I don't believe it was a bad year, maybe stressful at times but as always good always shines through the bad. I didn't really complete any of my new years resolutions I was too busy living I guess, which I can't really complain about really. Despite every year being more or less the same length I feel as though 2015 has been very short.
2016 - I have decided that I won't make a huge list of resolutions and goals because in a months time I will have forgotten them. I do have two in mind though;
1) I aim to be healthier, loose some weight, change my diet around, and have a healthy mindset. I just want to be the very the best I can be!
2) I want to write more, much more than ever to be honest. I want to write every day, which means every day I shall post on this blog, as well as contribute to my stories and all my writing pieces.
I had my first inspiration of the year, it came to me in the bath about half hour ago, whilst listening to music and well I thought what if each day I contribute to the idea, essentially write the story. Each day I write something then the last day of the year I share it on here. It's my first writing inspiration of the year so why not use the year to bring it to life?
I was going to write 2016 be good to me but that really depends on myself. It is up to me to make sure I make this year a good one! So I wish you all a happy new year, and may 2016 be ever in your favour!
Friday, 1 January 2016
I've been reading my horoscope for next year, and it seems I have a good year ahead of me. Not many believe in the whole horoscope thing, but I do. It can be pretty accurate at times, and it sometimes even provides explanation for things, with planets and what not.
Having read the horoscope, it isn't certain, nothing ever is. I am feeling like 2016 is going to be a big year, I can feel it. I think maybe on New Year's eve I will do a prediction for 2016, hopes and aspirations and what not.
I'm not sure if I am excited for Christmas yet, I've been pretty hyped for the Christmas holidays mainly for the fact I get two weeks from college. I do love Christmas, all the films and the Christmas dinner oh boy the Christmas dinner!
I'm not sure what kind of audience I have here, if I have an audience even. I post whatever I feel like, but it would be helpful if suggestions are made, as an audience I want to know what you want to read more of.
I don't mind writing for the hell of it, just because I want to, that's great I love doing so. This is all I've got for you for today/tonight. Until tomorrow my friends!
6 DaysTo Go
Saturday, 19 December 2015
Welcome to my bookish ramblings and creative writing.
Blog Contents:
- Book Reviews
- Book Tags
- Bookish Discussions
- Creative Writing
- Life Updates