Showing posts with label 2015. Show all posts
It's the first of January 2016. It looks as though we have survived another year! I'm going to have a quick reflection on 2015 and then say my piece about 2016.
2015, I believe you were good to me. You sorted my head out at least, pointed me in the right direction and have opened many doors for me. I don't believe it was a bad year, maybe stressful at times but as always good always shines through the bad. I didn't really complete any of my new years resolutions I was too busy living I guess, which I can't really complain about really. Despite every year being more or less the same length I feel as though 2015 has been very short.
2016 - I have decided that I won't make a huge list of resolutions and goals because in a months time I will have forgotten them. I do have two in mind though;
1) I aim to be healthier, loose some weight, change my diet around, and have a healthy mindset. I just want to be the very the best I can be!
2) I want to write more, much more than ever to be honest. I want to write every day, which means every day I shall post on this blog, as well as contribute to my stories and all my writing pieces.

I had my first inspiration of the year, it came to me in the bath about half hour ago, whilst listening to music and well I thought what if each day I contribute to the idea, essentially write the story. Each day I write something then the last day of the year I share it on here. It's my first writing inspiration of the year so why not use the year to bring it to life?

I was going to write 2016 be good to me but that really depends on myself. It is up to me to make sure I make this year a good one! So I wish you all a happy new year, and may 2016 be ever in your favour!


Friday 1 January 2016

As many know today was the A level results day. Today I got my AS results, and I didn't get anything near what I hoped for. C in photography, D in Media Studies and E in English Literature. I am completely disappointed in myself. Photography I expected, and pleased with. Media that was a shocker, however next year I plan on doing A2 as well as As, which means I will be fixing my AS coursework up and resitting that exam, as well as doing A2 Coursework and Exam. English, wow from being of my best lessons and result at GCSE has turned to my worst at AS Level. Next year I will retaking AS and staying another year to do A2!

I am not disheartened, from this I have a lesson to take. It's obvious I clearly hadn't put enough work in, I let a lot get on top of me so instead of feeling so down about my results it has taught me that this is what happens when you don't put the work in like you should. The first of college admittedly has been quite difficult, but I will be going into my second year hopefully I am more accustomed to things. Determined to make this year better, so next results day I won't be sulking and eating my emotions instead I will be over the moon and celebrating. I plan on so much better this up coming year, I shall get the results I need and I SHALL BE GOING TO UNI!!


Results Day

Thursday 13 August 2015

Pride Squad
Today I went to the amazing Northern Pride, like I did last year and will be probably continue to do so for the rest of my years.

So I met with my girls' in the afternoon, from there we made our way to Nothern Pride. It was Demi's first, she is the one right of me. The vibes were great, everyone was excited. The rainbows were everywhere, everyone was happy and the atmosphere overall was incredible!

Wing Woman 
SO IT BEGAN!! The music was on point pretty much the whole day, there were rides, tents, and many many people. Everyone was so chilled and friendly, it really was the most inviting welcoming event ever!

Lucy Spraggan
We met up with people, the girls' friends. We mingled, danced with strangers, and laughed until it hurt. Demi loved the rides. Irena (on my left) nearly lost her phone, and I was the Wing Woman for Toni (Beanie), in this case I WAS THE DUFF... AWKWARD!! However, I did enjoy the day.

She was amazing 
I met lots of people, I third wheeled and eat a lot of junk food, leggit. I ALSO GOT TO MEET MY QUEEN!!
Since I saw Lucy Spraggan on the X Factor in 2012, I can honestly say I perhaps fell in love with her. Like she was a complete woman crush, she was/is incredible. I still fancy her to this day, I always loved the thought of hearing her in perosn and not just whilst I am sat at home on my sofa.TODAY WAS THE DAY.

I had hesitated coming to Pride this year, I just didn't feel up for it. However, the moment I found out Lucy was performing I knew I had to go. And so I did.

I waited all day, seriously all day. It was so worth it. She is honestly such a beautiful talented human being. My heart melted, and she was looking as stunning as ever! She sounded amazing. I cannot get over it all! It was so good being amongst a crowd, singing, dancing and showing pure enjoyment for Lucy and her music.  It was good, during the music at this time it was just Toni and I. We danced a little with these guys, they were friendly. We got hugs and face kisses, they were young crazy and well perhaps the cutest gay couple (BAES) I have ever met!

Everyone was so alive. She was so good, I was gutted when she had finished. I could have watched and listened to her perform forever.

After her were Bewitched. They are a little before my time but I had heard of them. They played one of their popular songs, which I knew because my older sister used to adore them. When they were performing we were sitting on the grass with some of Toni's friends. And it was like a wave washed over everyone, it was so calm and chilled. People dancing randomly, it was like something hippie like, it was incredible.

We stayed until everything had completely finished, it was nice. After we hung out a little, I didn't get home until ten. It was an amazing day, Lucy definitely was the highlight for me!

I shall be attending next year, with more people and well I will be legal to buy alcohol. So if a sober pride is good, will a drunk pride be better?

Northern Pride (2015)

Sunday 19 July 2015