Showing posts with label #SummerBloggin. Show all posts
Had quite a few of these!

I loved these, they are so artistic.
I am aware that this post a little overdue but here it is. Talking and sharing photos from my lovely holiday in Spain from earlier this month 29th August- 14th September.

This holiday was an amazing break for me before I left home for University. It was such a brilliant two and a bit weeks.

I think the absolute highlight of my holiday was visiting the Zoo Selwo and Gibraltar. Both were adventures I adored. Selwo I fell in love with Otters and got to see various different kinds of animals. I also conquered one of my biggest fears- I crossed a rope bridge. From a young age, I have had nightmares about rickety bridges, the ones where there is something below and the bridge swings as you walk across. I faced the fear and did it- I did almost have a panic attack midway but nonetheless, I made it across.
Beautiful big cat!!

 It was amazing being close to cheetahs and Red Pandas. We got to interact with animals such as goats - which I fed by hand with my niece, that was pretty cool.
Clearly not impressed by me

 I really liked the flamingos, they were so chilled looking pretty minding their own business.

Below is a video of these crazy monkeys, I think we caught on mid-breakdown.

The noise is the monkeys! It was unbelievably amusing yet so strange.

I particularly like this little snapshot because
it almost like an evolutionary progression.

Khaki shorts made me feel like an explorer

This was the fierce bridge. 

I fell in love with these Otters, even bought
a stuffed teddy  Otter.
 I have always loved water animals, I kind of seek them out in Zoos. Penguins are easily my favourite animal but I think since this trip Otters are a very close second.

At Selwo we got to see Elephants, this was exciting. Until this point, I had never really seen an Elephant in person so I really enjoyed seeing them and even attending a tour where we got to learn a lot about them.

 Another Otter photo, this is the last of the Selwo photos! Hang on though, I am showing more of Gibraltar, the place I stayed and much more.

Gibraltar was incredible. The two above photos are from Saint Micheals Cave, it was beautiful. I also found that they host concerts there, and I feel like it would be an amazing to attend a concert in an incredible cave - naturally, this has been added to my bucket list.

The monkeys on the rock were so incredible, they literally did not care that there were people around. One of them shoulder barged my sister's fiance- this was hilarious to witness. It was such an incredible experience to see these creatures up close. When we were visiting the souvenir shop as you enter the cave, we witnessed a monkey come in and take a packet of crisps from the shelf and then knick off with it up the mountain- I couldn't get a snapshot due to the uncontrollable laughter.

The views from Gibraltr rock were unbelievable. Absolutely stunning, it didn't feel real. It was the type of thing you see in films and it was insane seeing it all before me.

One of many selfies with my beautiful sister, this one was for her birthday

 The architecture and layout of Spain is so unbelievably different to what am I used to in England, I found it all so pretty. I just wanted to capture it all, I didn't sadly because there were moments where I was so lost in the moment that I just lived and enjoyed myself.

Until this point, I had never seen a Banana tree in my life.

I loved spending time with my niece, she was lovely and adored Spain -
we both did!

I fell in love with all of the views, sunsets with palm trees may be my new  favourite setting.

What I like about the photo to the left is that this photo was taken before we all decided for a night swim. The water was warm and I hadn't been in the pool all day due to severe sunburn on my shoulders. We took many night swims- it was beautiful.
Last monkey picture- I promise.

The villa we stayed in was so lovely, to the left, our neighbours were friendly and fun. Kara made some friends, and it was just lovely.

I didn't picture any but there are sooo many wild cats in Spain.  I was so happy, they were beautiful!
 There is definitely more wildlife in Spain that is visible. We saw huge toads, little geckos, we even collected some little frogs from the pool in which we made a home for in the garden.

So many dog owners too!
 This was an incredible piece a man made on the beach, it was so beautiful and detailed- very very impressed.
Came across this little fella!
 I loved walking down the street to be on the beach. I visited the beach a few times, some with the family and more so on my own. It is so calming watching waves, it felt as though time was frozen somehow and everything seemed to be alright.

I think what I loved most about my trip was that I got to spend time with my sister and niece before I left for University. It was an amazing trip, I had so much fun and thus being one of the best holidays I have ever been on!

Thank you for reading (or even looking at) this long ass post! I had intended writing about this sooner but just never got the chance! Keep an eye out for my next post on my move to Brighton and my first week of University - should be posted either Saturday or Sunday!

Spain! 2017

Wednesday 27 September 2017

 Hello, I am back with another Summer Glam! Yes, another Sims Edition - only a male version as promised. When playing the Sims I genuinely struggle with Male Sims, I can never find enough CC. And I never put as much detail into creating male Sims as much as I do Female. Regardless, I give it a go to make Summer Sims!!

I chose a sleeveless vest top with bright colours, paired with shorts. This outfit gives me Summer festival vibes!

I decided for his work/smart dress to use a shirt with the sleeves rolled up. The use of the colour pink shirt I think gives a mellow look to the Sim. Adding light summer tones to the work place.

For the night time attire I chose heart boxers. They are fun and perfect for the hot Summer nights. 

This is a party oufit. Again festivcal vibes with the bright colours on the tshirt. Ripped jeans - not only a fashion statement but allows room for legs to breathe when out and about. I decided to use Van-like shoes. They are chill and really goes with the outfit.

Simple swim wear with some grey shorts with a mellow yellow trips and pull ties. 

I started off this outfit with a popular band vest 'The Rolling Stones' adding modern music taste to the game. I paired this outfit similary to the previous with shorts and white vans. I went for fashionable and chill with this outfit.

For this Sims working out gear, I chose a branded Adidas t-shirt with camouflage  shorts. Keeping it light yet effective for a hearty workout.

Again for sleepwear I went with simple boxers, only to add personality and humour to match his characteristics I paired the boxers with fun bunny slippers.

It's difficult looking for CC for Male Sims, I decided to go with palm tree holiday shorts for this gentleman.

This is probably one of my favourite outfits I have put together for a male Sim. I decided to use modern culture again, and used a Rihanna print oversized tshirts, matched with ripped jeans and maroon trainers. This look suggests fashionable but lowkey did not try very hard.

I really adore this Sim, and outfit. I downloaded the unisex hair from The Sims Resource. I have never really liked it for female Sims but I am living for it with this male Sim. This is a party outfit, sunglasses to look cool as well as keep sun out of eyes. A light top and jacket with three quarter length jeans. I topped this look off with bracelets, rings and a watch.

Is it even Summer if you don't see a guy wearing crazy tight speedos??

Athletic Summer outfit at the ready!! I went with a really cool superhero design shirt, Ironman and Tony Stark - my favourite superhero! Paired with tight shortd and fashionable trainers.  I also decided for this to have tattoos. As like humans we all have different traits and we do not look like alike.

And finally - swim shorts with a hint of bright blue!

So my attempt at a male Sim Summer glam. I did enjoy this but I have to say it was not easy! I really enjoy doing Sim Glams, I will definitely be doing more in the future. If you have any Sim suggestions or even blog post suggestion please feel free to comment! Thank you for reading and see you on the next post!


Summer Glam #2 Sims Edition

Tuesday 22 August 2017

I did a piece about my recent publication rejection over on Angela's blog, check it out!

Also follow her blog, very useful as well entertaining for writers, I no doubt will be reading it daily like the gospel! 



Friday 18 August 2017

As you may have read in my little prose earlier - I was petrified of not getting into University. I had self-doubt up to my eyeballs.  I managed to get to sleep after about half 3ish. I woke up at seven-ish. And by ten past I had the answer blaring at me through the screen of my phone.

I got into my first choice - The University of Brighton. I am still ecstatic. They emailed me first thing this morning telling me I was accepted. This made going in for my results much easier, a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I still cannot believe it, I get to call Brighton my home for the next 3/4 years- that is taking sometime to process. I am so thankful and proud of the support around me, my friends and family mean the absolute world to me. Not only am I proud of myself, for actually doing something I believe in and chasing my dream, I am proud of my friends for chasing theirs.  A Levels were hell, break downs and endless amount of work but we got each other through it. Even if it was sharing a passion for hatred towards a lesson or little positive compliments that would make you smile after a rough day. Moving to Newcastle Sixth Form College was one of the best decisions I have ever made. I am so thankful and grateful for everything.

It's such a relief knowing I can enjoy the rest of my Summer without the worry of not knowing my place. I am excited about the future. I'm sure moving so far away from home will come with many challenges but there is nothing that I am not willing to overcome. A Levels have taught me a few things, other than media institutions, camera angles and the use of caesura.  I have learned that if you don't do something right the first time, try again until you do. I am glad I didn't give up in September of 2015; when my old sixth form told me I shouldn't  pursue English. I have learned that independence is an important quality. How good it is to have people around you, and be able to depend on - it is just as important to be able to depend on yourself and have faith in your decisions. I have also learned that it is important to let go, this I didn't learn directly through lessons but more so through personal events that happened towards the end of my time at NSFC. Not everything needs a reaction, but also it is okay to feel everything and nothing. It's okay to not have your shit together, you should have to do what is best for you - even if it makes no sense to anyone else.

I want to thank especially Olivia - you are my actual rock, and I am glad I met you, thanks to NSFC I have a friend for life! Christine and Paul - you two are the life of NSFC, your support has meant the world to me and I cannot thank you enough for making the experience of A Levels better, good luck for the future - Christine with your amazing bodycombat teaching, and Paul with bringing a new life into the world, you will be an amazing parent! Carolyn, the wittiest woman I've ever met 'throwing shade' every lesson, never failing to make every lesson the best. Angela, last but not least! Thank you for believing in me and my writing, you encouraged me to write more and inspired me to put my work out into the world- and I cannot thank you enough! Good luck with your writing!

I am so grateful and relieved that A Levels are over, a chapter of my life has come to a close and I am ready for the next - whatever it may be.


Next Chapter

Thursday 17 August 2017

I try too sleep but these knots of my uncertain future keeps me awake. Stail failure corrupts my mind. A dislodged heart pushing it's away up my throat. I feel inhumane tonight- like I'm air ready to evaporated under heated mess. I'm not a lion of braveness, instead a mouse of self doubt.  Trying to escape the hours I've been staring at for days, my hope ticking along with it. In a few hours my fate will be made: and I fear the worst.

I keep seeing Summer glams all down my Instagram feed and various other social medias. I am not very much a dress up for Summer kind of girl, more whatever I feel comfortable in. If you've visited my blog before you will know I am a huge fan of the Sims. And I decided to Summer Glam - Sim editions. I have created two female Sims - who have different Summer styles - expect a male version in the upcoming week or so.  I use a lot of CC and you will find pretty all of those items on The Sims Resource.
I am living for the glitter eyeshadow it's bright but not too much - since it is summer vibes I used a soft pink lipstick which looks almost natural

In Summer some women like to keep their outfits light, so I chose a dress for casual wear. If you're from the UK (like myself) you probably won't casually wear dresses during our Summers unless by a miracle the sun shows its face.

This her sleepwear, I am pretty sure a lot of girls can relate when it comes to hot nights - tshirts are your best bet or just simply just underwear.

I chose to use dark shades for this Sims party outfit, yet kept some brightness with the use of hold eye shadow.

Where the Sim lacks Summer colours in her makeup she certainly makes up for it with her outfit. I wanted her to stand and contrast with her everyday outfit.

This together is one of my favourite swim suits and hairstyles to use within the game. Together they give holiday vibes, chill and just a good time kind of look.

Next is a brunette Summer beauty! With this Sim I tried out a new hairstyle I downloaded from The Sims Resource, and I fell in love immediately so with the upcoming styles of the brunette the hairystyle is consistent.

Unlike the first Sim I decided to give her everyday look more natural. Realistically in the Summer, sometimes makeup can be a nightmare to deal with. With this outfit I chose a flower printed tank top and blue shorts. It is chill yet has that hot Summer vibes. 

This is the formal outfit I created. Heavily made up but I am living for her eye makeup. I decided to dress this Sim in a jump suit. It looks professional but also gives room to breathe as this piece is sleeveless.

This Sim was being a poser whilst I got her into her swim suit. I like the darkness of the swim suit yet it shows elegance with the feathers. It's dark and yet still suitable for the beach or chilling by the pool.

This is the party outfit. I went with the off the shoulder top/jumper because it looks comfortable but also it will give some warmth as the night goes of the parties. The shorts I decided to team with netted tights and knee high boots. This was more of a fashion statement if anything else. I like the bad ass look she has here.

This is all I have for you today with my Summer Glam Sims edition! I will be posting more of these in the upcoming few days. Also, expect some Summer/Holiday glams featuring myself whilst I am away on Holiday at the end of August and the first 2 weeks of Septemeber!

Share, comment and please follow the blog. It means a lot to me that people take the time out of their day to read my posts.


Summer Glam #1 Sims Edition

Monday 14 August 2017