5 Book Tropes I Love

Monday 14 November 2022

 Hello book lovers!

This post is well overdue, in my whole seven years I have yet to actually discuss book tropes. If you're a bookworm like me, and I'm guessing you are, you'll have tropes that you absolutely love reading about. I certainly do, and I thought this week I'd share with you my top five! 

In the upcoming weeks, I may do a post about the tropes I can't stand. But right now, this post is dedicated to my favourite book tropes. I just want to put a disclaimer here, some of these tropes are absolutely overused but I just cannot resist them!

Best friends to lovers. I will lap up this storyline over and over again. I just think falling in love with your best friend is so perfect. I know sometimes in real life this can go terribly wrong if it's one-sided but I love it in a book when they both feel the same. It's divine, your favourite person in the world becoming your partner- what is not to love? This trope gives OG L word vibes, and I am here for it.

Back to my small town: I can't resist a storyline of leaving a hometown and coming back. I like feeling nostalgia with the characters, and as someone who has done this, I just like to read about other experiences of it. You can guarantee that where there's a small-town returnee there's an enemy lover arc just around the corner. My favourite back to the small town book would have to be Next Exit Home by Dena Blake. 

Unreliable Narrator: you probably already know that my favourite book of all time is The Great Gatsby, so naturally it makes sense that the trope of an unreliable narrator is one of my favourites. I like the mystery it leaves the reader, do you trust them or not? Especially with Nick, he spent most of the Summer drunk so it's not exactly certain things happened how he said they did. I just like that it leaves room for the imagination to wander. Now I think of it, it was probably this trope that inspired a lot of fan fiction writers. 

Underdog to Top Dog: I am a sucker for an underdog story. This trope is perfect for action/adventure-type books. I just love seeing the little guy come out on top, you know? Tris from Divergent comes to mind, I like the whole pushing yourself to achieve the unexpected. It's a great trope for developing character arcs. 

Multiple plot threads: when a story uses different points of view to interview multiple plot threads I live for it. When point of view switching is done right, it can be really effective. I don't always want to read complex stories but when I do, I like lots of things going on at once. A great example of this would be Juliet Llewellyn's Beneath the Waters. 

So, these were some of my top favourite tropes. Keep an eye out for next week's blog, I've been working on some creative writing recently that I'm really excited to share with you guys! Thank you for reading and I hope you have a fab week!

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