My Recent Waterstones Experience

Sunday 12 June 2022


It's been a little while. I know, I haven't been writing as much outside of work as I'd have liked to, but I write when I can. I'm actually taking myself away at the end of the month for a bit of a writing getaway. I've booked time off work and I hope to get lots of writing done!

I felt inspired to come to the blog and write today because of an amazing experience I had yesterday in the Metro Centre Waterstones shop. I had been out with a really good friend of mine and we popped into the shop. I was after some new queer books! 

I had a little walk around the shop and I found a teen pride section, thought this was really cool, but I was in search of adult queer books. I found a bookseller that almost reduced me to tears.

I approached her and asked if she could show me the adult queer section. I tell her that I'm after some woman-loving women's books,  and could she please point me in the right direction. She turned to me and goes, due to Waterstones policy (I was expecting the worst at this point) we don't believe in segregating queer fiction or queer writers from other writers and books. She explained to me the pride stand was part of a promotion around teen queer fiction with the recent popularity of Heartstopper. She was so lovely, and I rightly so agreed with her, that queer fiction shouldn't be separate, and I felt so seen.

I've always found queer sections in other bookstores and hadn't put much thought into it, but it made me happy that queer writers are among other writers. That is exactly how it should be. I know it was such a small interaction, but as a lesbian and queer writer myself, it was so wholesome and just made my heart warm! 

The lovely bookkeeper recommended me One Last Stop by Casey McQuiston and Delilah Green Doesn't Care by Ashely Herring Blake, and I bought them! I was super happy when she handed me Blake's book. I had been wanting to read it since I heard of its publication at the beginning of the year.

I'm really looking forward to reading both books, and I guess I just wanted to share this little wholesome experience on here because it was just lovely!

 I will be sharing book reviews for these books when I've finished reading them, so keep an eye out and HAPPY PRIDE MONTH!

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