My January Reads

Monday 31 January 2022


The final post of January, and it's a reflection of the books I have read over the last thirty-one days. I feel like I have begun the year with a strong reading month! It doesn't sound like a lot, but this month I have read a total of five books!! It's a good start to the year and I am confident that I will make my goal of fifty-two books. Below I have listed the books I have read and rated them out of five stars!

  • Harry Potter & The Philosopher's Stone - ★★☆☆☆
  • The Ex Hex - ★★★★★
  • Harry Potter & The Chamber of Secrets - ★★☆☆☆
  • She Wolf - ★★☆☆☆
  • Harry Potter & The Prisoner of Azkaban - ★★★☆☆
As you can see, my favourite book this month was The Ex Hex. I posted a book review for both The Ex Hex and She Wolf. In the picture, you can only see four of the books and this is because I was gushing over The Ex Hex to my coworker and insisted she borrow it!

I have loved that all of the books this month I have read have been from the fantasy genre. I've been loving all things witchy this month. I don't want to get too ahead of myself, but I think I am getting my love of reading back! Next month I plan on reading the below book:
  • Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire
  • Glass Houses by Rachel Caine
  • Witch by Finbar Hawkins
  • Purple Panties by Zane
I don't want to be too ambitious, so I am aiming for four books this month. I started reading Witch this week and I am a couple of chapters in and I am loving it. I cannot wait to finish it and share a review with you guys. I am hoping to share some creative writing in February too, maybe something Valentine!

What book are you looking forward to reading this month?

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