Almost 7 Years of WritingMyHeart

Monday 10 January 2022


I recently realised that this blog has been going for 6 almost 7 years! On the 24th of May 2015, I created this blog and shared my first ever post! I am shocked but also thrilled to still be writing and sharing everything on WritingMyHeart. My content has changed over the years, although I have always used this blog as a platform to share my creative writing. 

The support I have received from friends, family, and even strangers online have been overwhelming over the years. The reach on the blog has continued to improve and we are currently sitting at 101K views! I am overjoyed at the success of the page, I couldn't have done it without you. 

To celebrate this amazing occasion, even if it's early I treat myself to a new Parker pen with the blog name engraved!  I am obsessed with it. As a stationery addict, I also treat myself to a new planner from Papier, they're perfect together.  I am so thrilled to still be sharing on this blog, I pour my whole heart into it and will continue to do so. I feel like the blog has come such a long way, it's gone through many changes from content type to the actual layout of the page.  It's come such a long way and I am so grateful to every person who has stumbled on it and read any of my words!

On such an occasion I thought I would share the top 5 posts of my blog according to the stats Blogger has gathered:

  2. Talking with female serial killers(review)
  5. 2/3
This tells me that you guys enjoy my book reviews and little life updates. This makes me super happy as I am really getting into writing book reviews. I will try and do more life updates but truth be told I work, I write, and I read. I sometimes go places my life isn't the most interesting. 

I noticed holding fourth place is a tattoo update from a couple years ago. I don't often talk about my tattoos on my blog but I do post about them on my Instagram. I am working on slowly building a book sleeve,  maybe I will post an update on that when it's complete or near completion. 

I think it's cool that my top post was on my book box subscription, a few of those posts were close to the top 5, maybe I will restart them again sometimes in the future. 

I am so happy to still be writing on the blog 6 years later, this page is my home! I'm so pleased that you're part of this journey!    


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