
Monday 5 July 2021


There is one thing I really miss about University and that is being amongst other writers. Cheering each other on, sharing each other’s work and hearing different voices. I have decided I would like to have that back, create something other writers can be inspired by or share their thoughts on.  I have decided to create a monthly writing prompt, not only for myself but for you to take part in. At the beginning of every month, the first Monday, I will post the writing prompt. I too will respond to the writing prompt and share it on the last Friday of the month. 

I have created a page for this project: WritingMyPrompt. With your permission I will post your submission, this way you can showcase what you’ve written and others can enjoy it too! I know so many brilliant writers and not all of them have a writing platform so creating this project I hope they can get their voices heard. This is open to anyone and everyone! No restrictions. 

The very first post on the new page has submission guidelines as well as a little welcome message, feel free to click the previous link to have a look.  Prompts will also be posted on that page as a reminder and so you can have access to it any time. 

Each submission will have its own post on the WritingMyPrompt Page, I’ll too be adding my response to the prompt. If you have an idea or concept you would like to suggest please let me know I’ll add it to my prompt jar. 

All I ask if you are submitting is the title of your piece, your pronouns, the name you would like to use and social media @ for people to perhaps reach you. I have set up an email for submissions: writingmyprompts@gmail.com

If you would like to share this project or want to talk about it please use the hashtag #WritingMyPrompt!

WritingMyPrompt: July - "Even cacti can grow in the desert"

"Even cacti can grow in the desert"

I asked for suggestions and themes over on my Instagram and this was the first prompt suggestion and even though I had something different planned I knew this was the one. I hope it inspires you just as it has me!  

Your piece can be a piece of fiction/non-fiction, prose or poetry. Any format is welcome. Be as creative as you can, I cannot wait to read your submissions!

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