Beneath The Waters

Monday 8 February 2021


We start off this wonderful week with a book review! Juliet Llewellyn's YA debut novel Beneath the Waters, pictured to the right, and what a novel it is! Firstly, the cover is absolutely gorgeous, and amazing to photograph!  
I've been very excited to read this and it didn't take me very long at all. The story is about a sixteen-year-old protagonist Sheba Waters, she spends the Summer in Brighton with her mam's best mate and her son.  I loved that the novel is set in Brighton, having just recently moved from there it was nice to be transported back with this story. 
At first, the book was a little slow to get into but once you get past the first couple chapters you are hooked! There were some things I adored about the book and some things that were little off to me but I definitely think as the book went on it got better. Warning this review will have 'spoilers' so be prepared!
Firstly,  let's talk about the characters:
The main character is very unlikeable, I just couldn't relate to her. She was a little too obsessive for my liking, her lies were annoying and kind of painful to read. However, as the story unravels she becomes more relaxed. It's such a shame I liked her more towards the end when she was more of an adult, but her character definitely grew throughout the story. It was a relief to see that she had somewhat got her mind together at the end.
The other girls in the story were quite mean, even when it was switched to their point of views I didn't enjoy being inside of their thoughts.  I guess it's because there was a lot of tearing each other down and not enough female empowerment for my liking. I did grow to like Violet, Jasper's girlfriend's sister, more and more but as for Rowan, Jasper's girlfriend, I just couldn't click with her and therefore I did not really care for her or her character development. 
I did really like Lori, Jasper's mother, I think she is the first Asexual character I have encountered in a YA novel. I cannot give praises enough to Llewellyn for having LGBTQ+ characters in her work and having them fit in so comfortably. I adore Lori's lifestyle, she is a chilled writer living her best life in Brighton, she is living the life I want!
My favourite character would have to be Jasper, such a kind guy.  He was the highlight of the book for me, his character was fun and he is such a pleasant guy. My favourite scene is where he helps Sheba escape the beach when she gets her period. He isn't awkward about it but in fact super understanding. His story was absolutely heartbreaking, to say the least.
I cannot praise the storyline about Cade/Cadie and their transition into a female, I love that this story has a transgender character and that they fitted so comfortably into the narrative. It was interesting seeing them explore themselves, we see that they are testing the waters with trying on feminine clothing in secret and then it reveals at the end that Cade changes their name to Cadie, I was positively gleaming at the book at this point. I really hope this makes a path for more writers to be more transgender-inclusive in their narratives. 
The style of the book sort of caught me off guard. At first, there were too many points of view switches too quickly. I think it was too much for me, I don't mind when one chapter is told from one perspective and then the next another but I found in places it switched too quickly and sometimes in the same scene which I don't think added anything extra. However, the more I read there didn't seem to be too many, or at least I was too consumed to notice. 
I enjoyed the story but the lead up to the plot was hinted at too much - it was eluded to quite a lot that the girl arriving would cause havoc. I think it was over mentioned. Having said this, I did not see the plot coming! I got that Sheba was about to change everybody's world but damn did I not expect what came next. The plot got me and then the twists shook me! Such a good storyline, I don't want to spoil too much but wow I cannot stop thinking about it. Having finished the novel I am stunned and amazed, at first, I had my doubts with the characters and the switching but once the drama starting occurring it had me on the edge of my seat and clenching the book when it got super intense. 
I'd rate the book 
It's the first YA novel I've read in a while and although it did take me a little while to get into I did end up thoroughly enjoying it. Now knowing the plot and everything about the story I now appreciate the title a lot more. Not only is it set in a seaside town, and a lot of the scenes take place in or around the water, the main character's last name is Waters. And we really do see beneath the Waters family, this is very clever! A brilliant first novel for Llewellyn and I am really looking forward to seeing more of her work in the future.
If you like suspense and some drama I would highly recommend this book!

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