About Me

Monday 1 June 2020

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It has come to my attention that last month was the 5th anniversary of my blog being created - this is absolute madness. I cannot believe I have been running this little thing for that long. It feels like I am still starting out. I have also realised that during these five years I have yet to post an about me, I cannot believe I never thought to do one. I have been seeing an influx of readers and I am so grateful and happy! Through my blog, I have met other writers and talked to many interesting people. This is the Summer I plan on really getting into my blogging, I have so many new ideas and posts I want to share. Last night I decided to create a Facebook page for my blog, a place to expand my horizons and sometimes there are things I just want to rant about or share that isn't blog focused! If you've come along from the Facebook post thank you so much! The support I have received from my friends and family has been amazing! 
Let's kick off this About Me:
My name is Lauren McDonald, I am twenty-two years old and I am from Newcastle Upon Tyne. I am close (days away) to finishing my degree in English Literature and Creative Writing at the University of Brighton. I am a writer and have been writing for roughly 12 years. I love books, my favourite novel is The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald. My favourite book series is Harry Potter. My favourite poem is Robert Browning's Laboratory. My top three favourite poets are Blythe Baird, Christina Rossetti and Sabrina Benaim.  I am always looking for new poets to read! My all-time favourite film is Shrek, the second favourite is Coyote Ugly. Favourite Netflix shows are: Chilling Adventures of Sabrina, Atypical, Big Mouth and Orange Is the New Black. I have 20 tattoos and I want many more. I am working on building a book sleeve, so far the books I have on me are Harry Potter, Divergent, Alice and Wonderland and King's IT.  I am Queer and am happily open about it! It's not the most important detail about me but it links a lot with my own creative writing as I am working on a Queer Collection of fairy tales. I hold friendship close to my heart. Friends and family mean the absolute world to me.  I am very much a cat and dog person, despite being allergic to cats. I like a glass of cider or two, jager is my weakness, you'll often find me in a pub or a coffee shop. I have more books than the average person and I have an obsession with expensive coffee.
I think that just about sums me up, I hope this has helped to know more about me. If you're a friend I am sure you eye-rolled at some point. I can be incredibly cheesy at times. I hope for my blog to grow, in the future I will be posting reviews for books I have been reading (all recommendations welcome) as well as creative work of my own. 
Do we have anything in common? Or if you know me have I left anything out?
Thank you for reading this post, if you want to catch up with me on any of my other social media accounts here's a little list:
Twitter: @lilmiss_lauren
Instagram: @Writingmyheart - from time to time I do polls on my Insta story to see what kind of things I should blog about. Feel free to follow and be involved!
Facebook page: Writingmyheart                                                                

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