Where to find me

Saturday 9 November 2019

I have recently noticed the influx of readers on my blog, and I am so happy to see my words are travelling further than I had ever imagined! I have received more comments in recent months, and people asking for ways to contact me. I have put my email address in the sidebar but I thought I'd made a post to also share all my social media platforms, so you guys can reach out to me. I do reply quite quickly depending the time of day you message!

My business email address: myheartiwrite@gmail.com
My Instagram: WritingMyHeart
My Twitter: Lilmiss_lauren
My YouTube Channel: GeordieSimmer

I am so grateful for every reader, and it makes me happy seeing so many lovely comments. I am starting to get back into a routine posting back on the blog twice a week: Saturday & Wednesday. Click over into the sidebar to follow the blog and subscribe to email notifications for when I update! Thank you for reading, and I'll see you on Wednesday with a fresh new post!  

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