Fully aware I have yet to do a 'normal' my favourites post yet but we will get to that jazz later. I asked last week over on my Instagram if for last week I should post 'Plus Size' or this post. Plus size won but I always intended to make this post at some point so I thought I'd just post it this week. Which may defeat the whole point of the poll but I like to give my readers a choice, if you want to take part in my polls (I've only just recently started doing them) then go and follow my Instagram: WritingMyHeart or click any word that says Instagram on this post and it will (or should) take you straight to my page. Get a vote in what my content for next week should be!
Let's begin!!
Favourite Hogwarts House:
I feel like I really don't need to say it... but I will. My own house of course Slytherin. Fully aware we are cast as the bad house 'There's not a witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin' this is somewhat true. I mean our house animal is a snake... jokes aside. It is the house with a reputation for being bad, which isn't wrong it did produce Voldemort, Snape, Lucious Malfoy, the rest of the death eaters (with the exception of Wormtail but he was pathetic anyway) Bellatrix Lestrange... even the founder what a muggle hating prick. The list goes. Granted it doesn't look good. But all the houses have produced bad witches or wizards. We do have some good witches and wizards from our house: Regulus Black, Tonk's mother Andromeda and well sort of Horace Slughorn, he's a bit iffy but unintentionally. Draco too, I know this is debatable but fight me. Merlin is from Slytherin too. Plus the common room is pretty sick. I could talk all day and say how much I adore Slytherin but I won't. I show house pride, plus at least I'm not a Hufflepuff right?
Favourite Harry Potter Book:
This was a tough one to think about, all of the books have an aspect that I adore. I am always stuck between Prisoner of Azkaban and Order of the Phoenix. Both books are hilarious, and I love them for different reasons but I made the decision of picking Prisoner of Azkaban. POA I like because you see more of Peeves, and for once see him in a serious manner when he helps Dumbledore locate the fat lady in the portraits. I also loved that Harry got to meet Lupin and Sirius, and finally have more of a real family. Even if one is on the run from escape Azkaban he still makes a better family member than the Dursleys.
Favourite Harry Potter Film:
Prisoner of Azkaban by far! I find the film hilarious, my favourite scene is on the night bus ‘take it away, Earl!!’ It’s just such a good film. I never have a bad word against this film, mainly the missing of Peeves but I’m mad about that in general with the whole series of films. This is also the film where Draco no longer looks like a child: Hallelujah!! I feel like my reasons for liking this film is similar to my reasons for the book. I just feel like things get better for Harry when it comes to his family life, which is always delightful.
Favourite Hogwarts Haunted:
I couldn’t word this correctly because obviously Hogwarts is haunted by ghosts and as well as a Poltergeist. Peeves is my favourite though. He’s a mischievous character who is a complete dick, and I love it. He is one of the (many) reasons I enjoy the books much more, he’s entertaining and is constantly fucking things up. He’s loveable and annoying. If Peeves had went to screen he would have been played by the late Rick Mail, who I think would have aced it, I loved him in Bottom and Drop Dead Fred. Apparently, they filmed scenes of him playing Peeves but they cut them all... tragic I know.
Favourite from the Golden Trio:
This is simple: Hermione. An intellegient bad ass woman who loves books? Yes, Queen!
Favourite Hogwarts Headmaster:
Dumbedlore, always Dumbledore. He did endanger a child's life for several years and basically taught the Dark Lord how to control his magic but sure he is still a hell of a guy!
Favourite Couple:
I don't really have one, I think the couples who became a couple were great but there were none I was completely OH MY GOD over. I liked the idea of a gay relationship between Draco and Harry but that is the most commitment I've put into couples as far as they go.
Favourite Wand:
I currently own Draco's wand but I think next I want to purchase Hermione's wand. Her wand is stunning!
My favourite Character:
This was short and sweet, I think. I enjoyed writing about Harry Potter, as always. I will jump at any chance to even discuss Harry Potter, so if you have anything to comment on or agree/disagree with comment below and we can have a chat! Thank you for reading, and keep an eye on my Instagram to see what I could possibly be posting next Monday!
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