My Not So Perfect Life

Wednesday 21 March 2018

I cannot tell you how glad I am to finally finish this book! Firstly I’ll begin by apologising, not so nice things will be said but this is a book review so it’s somewhat expected. I heard about this author from the blogger Louise Pentland and thought I would give one of Sophie Kinsella’s books a go. This one seemed the most appealing, even then it wasn’t much to go on.

Since branching out my reading list, this book has been the bane of my life. Maybe a little dramatic... this book, this genre really, isn’t in my comfort zone. This book alone made me realise that I don’t want to venture into this chick flick genre anymore. I had to finish it though, even though I wasn’t enjoying it I can’t leave a book partially read. In order to give you guys an honest review, I plowed through it. 

This book just wasn’t for me at all, it was slow going and I didn’t enjoy it very much. It is quite a cliche book, the characters the storyline etc.  It’s not all doom and gloom though, the main part of the book I found enjoyment in is when the main character Katie goes back home and creates the glamping business with her father and Biddy. I loved the whole wilderness of that and even enjoyed Katie’s saving Demeter (dementor comes to mind). I think it was those parts that kept me reading, I was intrigued with the glamping site and the imagery was pretty decent too. 

I feel like if you don’t want to do any complex reading and something easy then you might enjoy this book. However, I personally prefer something more thought-provoking.  I don’t want to say the author is overrated because I haven’t read any of her other books and probably won’t, but the book is written well. I didn’t enjoy the first person thought track, it was annoying reading the main character trying to distract herself from thinking about certain things.

Katie is a likable character, the whole social media aspect is relatable on a level. It was one of the few things I liked about the book, the side focus on Instagram and how sometimes you show your life differently online. That part was cool. 

The book was not my kind of book at all, which is fair enough we are all interested in different things. I personally didn’t enjoy reading it, but I am sure there are many people who did!

The Easter holidays are coming up and I think I’m going to read two of Miranda Hart’s books: Is it Just Me? And Peggy & Me. I’ve ready Is it Just Me? Before and I adored it but it was quite a few years ago! I think I’ll do a double review on those!

Thank you for reading, hoping no offense was caused! 

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