Semester 1 - Completed it Mate!!

Friday 19 January 2018

My first Semester in University: daaammnn. Today as I handed in my Narrative Journal semester one came to a close. Excitement and relief are the emotions that flooded me instantly.  I survived semester one. 

Challenging times, many books that I perhaps didn't like all too much, but with a Literature degree, you have to bite the dust and plough through it. Out of the many books and various texts, you have to read you're pretty much  more or less guaranteed to like at least one text. Fortunately, this was the case for me. I enjoy reading books I would never usually read, so that aspect has been great.
I feel as though semester one has been a creative semester. I have been trying out new writing techniques, written my first script and now due to an entry I submitted in my journal I am quite inspired to start writing a novel. Due to the semester end we have a two week break before starting semester two, I am excited to put this to use and get started on the novel as well as catch up on reading. I have been buying new books and I have not had the time to sit down and indulge in the pages.
 The semester started with an unsure vibe, adjusting to the University life as well as struggling with the jump from A Level to University level. First semester I've been finding my feet, breakdown central but I wouldn't change a second of it. I feel as though now that the semester has come to a close the past few weeks I’ve had my shit together, like properly. Minimal breakdowns, I’ve been focusied on my goals. Uni and just improving myself in general. I beat two of my deadlines as well as handing in today, and left nothing to last minute. To celebrate and refresh my mind I went to the gym after hand in. Third time this week, I’m really feeling motivated for self improvement. 

I am very excited for Semster two, my modules change which is exciting and refreshing. I feel a change is needed. Something new to set my mind on, excited for the creative writing aspect too. Semester one has been insane for writing, I’m hoping Semester two will be just as good! 

Now it’s time to treat myself to some Wine and a new book!! 

Expect a book review for Louise Pentland’s Wilde Like Me either this weekend or early next week! I’ve been looking forward to reading this gem! 

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