
Saturday 27 January 2018


Liberty is our destiny 

Yet why are there souls still caged 

Poverty, war and death 

Please tell me that you’re just as outraged?

Politicians acting like children

Throwing insults like in the playground 

Only the playground is our home 

Threats and fear mongering destroying-

The only place that we know.

How do you expect the younger generations 

To care?

When all you set out to do is humiliate and scare

Treating each other like inferiors

No wonder we refuse to believe-

You are the superiors 

What happened to being kind?

Violence, spats and war

Cold countries, homeless on the street

Where is their peace of mind?

When all you care about it your reputation 

Refusing to defeat starvation.

This is my recent poem I’ve been working on! I’m hoping to perform this as well as some others at the next Shine So Hard Poetry night! Keep an eye out for the video!

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