The Stranger

Monday 19 December 2016

My heart was racing, I could still hear the near miss train chugging along the track, I almost died.  The world was quiet but only in my ears. It was the cold strangers' hands on my shoulder that yanked me back into reality.
His lips moved full trying to communicate with me, I didn't understand I just heard a husk panic. He pulled me to the side into a minuscule cafe, as everything sank in and I noted my failed death, he wrapped my hands around a solid white mug of what tasted sweet on my tongue.
"T-thank Y-you," I managed to force the words out, I hadn't meant them.
"You're lucky I caught you like I did!" He smiled, yes lucky me I thought. 
For the first time I looked up at him properly, his eyes were brown, I have brown eyes yet his were different. They seemed darker, colder and way more passionate than mine. They complemented him, whilst mine made me dull. His smile seemed genuine, it touched his full cheeks and reached his brown souls. I felt lost for words, was it destiny that my almost death would allow me to meet this stranger? The stranger that showed more compassion and care towards me than any person I have ever known or confined in. He saved my life, and I will forever be in his debt.

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