In the era we live in our lives are enriched in the 'celebrity', they fill our social networks, our newspapers, and we find ourselves more than often talking about them. These people whom we may have never met before we kind of obsess over such humans, or least have an opinion of them. If it be writing an article about shaming the Kardashians or tweeting a rant about how you hate an artists' new album. It seems we are the generation who feels the needs to put our two pence worth in and share our opinion, even if it does no good. I am not here to rant about mass media and our polution of words from behind a screen but how some celebrities have (some or a lot depending on who) impact on our lives.
One celebrity whom I have come to adore over the years is Mister Buble. Yes, the profoundly known for hibernating through the year until Winter comes along and he springs to life with Christmas music. If you're a fan like I, you listen to his non-Christmas music as well the Christmas music. Michael Buble, for me is the symbol of Christmas. The moment I hear his raspy voice singing Santa Baby I am instantly in the Christmas spirit, if it be March (yes I am that kind of person) or December, Buble simply ignites my spirit.
I was listening to his Christmas album when on the radio it was announced Buble's son had been diagnosed with Cancer, and it broke my heart. For any parent to have that happen to their child, at Christmas (or any time of the year really) it made me feel awful. I turned the album off, and I pondered on how his family must be feeling and the pressure on all of them. The Buble family are lovely people, and for something horrible to happen it is just uncalled for. The thought of the Buble's being heartbroken, made me feel sad and kind of fall out of the Christmas spirit. It made me thinking about all families across the world going through the same thing, and how trecherous Cancer is and how it can strike any time on any person.
The thought of the man who brings so much joy to others (at least for me) having to go through this, he and his family don't deserve this (no one does). Michael being my symbol of Christmas, if he isn't having a cheery wonderful holiday then simply how can I be (Mellow dramatic I know). I found myself hoping for a miracle for this little boy, someone I hadn't ever met, hoping for all those families across the world who have lost or could lose people to Cancer (or any disease) it is heart wrenching.
I have never felt such a relief when he announced his son has 90% survival rate. This little boy has a good chance of survival, I hope he kicks Cancer's ass.
Some people across the world aren't as lucky, and this has made me realise how blessed I am. Blessed for the life I live, and the people around me that I love. In the past, I have lost a loved one to Cancer, and I remember the impact that had on the family, I was young but it wasn't nice seeing my family the way they were. So this year, as an adult I feel like I can really appreciate life. Every day I am choosing to make a difference, do something to help someone. If it be a donation to charity or buy food for a homeless person in the street, it's the small things. It doesn't hurt to be kind. We never know how long we have this earth, and I think it's important you make every day count. I hope you all have a blessed day, be kind and don't take the little things for granted.
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