things happen and people change

Sunday 30 October 2016

Things happen and people change. We cannot control everything in our lives, even we try so damn hard. Things happen and people change. We can only control what we ourselves do, how other people react and act we have no say in that matter. Things happen and people change. People will leave you life, and you will leave theirs, and even if you try to hold on to them, upkeep a relationship sometimes it just doesn't go to plan. People change and things happen. Despite not being in contact with the people you drift from, the people who once knew everything about you and now appear to be strangers, you don't have to throw you memories with them aside.  Things happen and people change. The memories don't change, the feelings and pure joy you felt with those people don't just disappear, you don't have to be rude or hate them. People change and things happen. You can still be happy for them; and have that some old platonic love for them, even if they aren't a part of your everyday life anymore. Things happen and we all go through change.

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