the lines

Friday 28 October 2016

We all have this little bubble, it's our safe place. It's everything we know and are used to, it's something we can control, something we can run back to when things get a little too much. Sure it's good to feel safe and follow your own little pattern through life. From time to time is good to step outside of that bubble, take some risk and have an adventure, experience new things and live a little. It's the strange curious adventures you will look back on the most, sure it may not go to plan but sometimes the best things are outside of the box. Breathe, stop thinking and walk forward, do something challenging, enjoy life and scribble outside of your box and take it further pages. You don't have to, it is your choice. Life is your choice, you decide what you do or do not do. It's your pen, don't let someone else handle it and draw the lines for you, the lines are for you to discover.

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