It was all fun and games until I puked in a guys bed...
I will tell you the backstory to the line above, and how I started in one place and ended in another, also not wearing my own clothes.
I had been invited to a friends' party, it was an early celebration for her eighteenth. I spent the daytime with family and then went back home to get ready. Fast forward to when I meet friends, buy alcohol and then make our way to the hosts' house. We started drinking immediately, and well I was pretty much half way drunk within the first hour. I drank way too much too fast, I pushed my limits pretty much to the max. I did meet a lot of amazing people, I had such a good time until I felt sick. I was sick in the bathroom, the toilet thankfully, then that escalated to outside. Someone tied my hair up, I have no idea, The hosts' mother helped, like a lot. I was sick on myself (I didn't say this was going to be a clean or nice post) she put me into the room the hosts' brother. Where she got me some of his clothes, and I puked more into a bucket (apparently, I don't remember this part) the wonderful mother put me into his bed, where I lay for several hours trying to sober up. I'm not sure of the time but it was pretty late, I got out of the bed and went to the toilet, I needed to pee and then returned to the bed, where no more than five minutes later I was sick,a lot. On his coat too, I don't know how that happened. It was awfully messy, I hated myself so much for it, I got a huge lecture from the mother (maybe rightly so) and he was pissed off, like I really can't blame him, but then he was also lovely about telling his mother to calm down on me, she made me cry. I don't cry much or infront of people but she reduced me to tears and asked me to leave, alcohol clearly makes me emotional.
The party was in Rekington and I woke up in Palmserville. I had never been to either of these places before. A good friend actually took me to his place, with him his girlfriend and another friend. His dad picked us up in his car, I was sick again but thankfully his dad pulled over so I could do it not in the car. When we got to the friends' he put me up in his spareroom, with a bucket next to the bed and a bottle water and some tissues. When I woke up this morning I couldn't be anymore thankful. He was so lovely, all of them were. I left about half ten, had to get the metro. I met with my mother, still wearing the hosts' brother's clothes and I was pretty much suffering a hangover from the offset. When I did get back to my sisters I just wanted to nap. Also I did apologise to the brother, mother and host this mornng, like as soon as I woke up. I had to, I still feel awful about it. So far this has been my worst night like with alcohol I've never drank so much or reacted to it this way before, let's just say I will not be drinkng for a long time!
Typing this with the screen blaring in my face is difficult but I had to share my night with you guys!Hoping to recover by tomorrow, and thank you for reading.
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