Hunter Of Hope - Carton of Milk

Tuesday 25 October 2016

Previous parts (in order)
Hunter of Hope
Wild One
Wave Of Lavender

Carton of Milk

Do you ever wake up and forget everything? For a long thirty-second interval, you have no idea who you are, or where you are. You're just a stranger in a strange room, no other feelings just distorted. Until your brain winds a little faster and you sink into your reality, that's exactly how I feel at this moment in time. Only my reality is alone in a place I once called home, yearning for some company but holding onto my independence like I am some sort of adult or something.

I crawl across the room, my legs weak. It's the floorboards from downstairs that make me jump to my feet. I hold my breath carefully taking down one step at a time slowly. As I reach the  bottom, I see the dark wood door slightly opening. My heart is pounding it's all I can hear banging against my eardrums. I wipe my damp hands on my bare legs. Swinging my body in the kitchen I notice a milk carton sitting on the edge of the four-cornered table in the centre of my kitchen. As I got closer the smell became familiar, that sweet lavender scent, it was back. I examine the carton, who drinks straight from the carton, especially when it's not even their carton. 

"Sorry about that, I was a little parched." A voice growled behind me, I dropped the carton of milk.

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