
Friday 12 August 2016

I don't need somebody, I don't want somebody. What good can a somebody do to me? To spend hours in and out talking, learning new things about each other by the second, for only to remember the little details and for their words to keep you awake at night when it is all over. Having a somebody to feel their lips against yours, their hands over your tummy feeling every inch of skin they possibly can, pulling you close to feel them, their touch you will crave much longer and much more intense when they don't want you anymore. Their whispers of lust, so electric in the moment, but long after you will be reeling with the shock. Staying up late to talk to that somebody, eager to give up sleep just to spend more time with them, when that somebody isn't there anymore you're still losing sleep, only you're eager to give up your every memory of that somebody desperate to finally fall asleep, because it doesn't hurt when you're sleeping. When things are going well you want to tell anyone who will listen, pour your heart out about the somebody, but then what when they leave? You're left with questions, and the disappointment of telling people it didn't work out; when really you were tossed aside, unwanted and the somebody just wasn't as into it as you were. I don't want another somebody, I am fine with my own body.

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