Dear August

Monday 1 August 2016

Dear August,

We have had a slight last minute swerve to get to you, hopeful of you yesterday I was, then a slight bump in the road but hopeful again I am today. You're taking me on the road to results day, and also the road into other cities, as well as god knows what surprises you shall direct me in. My last month of Summer, and how I plan to make the most of it. This month I believe will be about learning some life lessons and self-improvement but also living in the moment without the need to assess every situation.
This month I hope for good results, good times with my friends but also get all the stuff I need to do. So, make a start on all of my coursework, read a couple of books I've been trying to read forever, and begin working out. I am ready to be the best me, and the prepared me. I refuse to allow my last year of Sixth Form to challenge me into stress and havoc, I Lauren pledge my dedication to college, to stay positive and be the best version of myself.

See you again in 30 days!

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