Little Things

Monday 27 June 2016

I like the little things. The small parts of everyday life that make me smile to myself. Like the way my dad wakes me up every morning and makes me a cup of tea before he sets off to work. I laugh at the little things like listening to the radio presenters tell jokes and anecdotes. When I'm on the bus and I'm looking out the window the bus number I'm on passes in the opposite direction, I appreciate the aknowledgment both drivers give one another. When it's sunny I like when I'm talking to someone and the sun makes their eyes stand out. I get giddy over the patterns Costa make in my drinks, last week palm trees  and this week coco beans. My mood elevates when I'm shopping and a song I really like plays, it makes shopping just that little bit more delightful. Whenever I get off the bus in the morning and pass The Dog and Parrot I always grin at the Lemon underneath the window. When I'm with my friends and we are taking silly selfies I feel on top of the world. One of my favourite little things is shadows, shadows of things amongst the pavement, trees buildings and other things.

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