For a while now, I have been wondering how exactly can you follow a blog, and well I finally decided to Google it. It came to my attention that I didn't actually have an accessible follow button, but thanks to Google and a little help from Youtube I have put a follow button on my blog! It's only taken me a year, but hey nevermind eh? In case you're wondering and wanting to follow my blog (you do right? Please?) it is located to the right underneath my Blog Archive. I also edited the layout of how my blog looks on a phone, I decided to make it look like how it does from a desktop.
Can you guys believe how technical I am becoming, damn this time next year I could be running my own app! Yeah we know that won't happen, one year to get a follow button, damn that is slow progress.
That's all I have for today, see you tomorrow, thank you (please follow the blog) and good day! -Lauren :)
Welcome to my bookish ramblings and creative writing.
Blog Contents:
- Book Reviews
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