139th Post

Wednesday 18 May 2016

I just realised, I have posted more blog posts so far this year than I ever did over the entire of last year. Overall last year I posted 136 posts. In May I will have had this blog a year. I feel like it is a good place to just get whatever is in my head out there. I feel comfortable enough to post whatever I want, this blog it is for my own purpose. I'm happy if people read my blog of course, delighted in fact but it's just nice to have a place of my own for my own stuff. I used to keep a diary but with the times I have changed and prefer to be able to write this kind of thing using my laptop or if I am on the go my phone. I have some good plans for the blog eventually, hopefully those may take place in the Summer! Maybe we will branch out a little, I don't know but the prospect of something new is ever so exciting.

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