Mood Matters

Monday, 11 April 2016

I think how we feel as  a person is important, how are day goes depends on our moods. If you're feeling negative then that is going to impact your day. I want to brighten my days, and just make things a little better for myself. I have put together a list of things I want to to in order to spread a little positivity as well as feel good about myself.

  • Compliment people more - genuine compliments I always think these but never voice them.
  • Compliment myself - feel good about myself and be happy for my favourite parts.
  • Drink at least 1-2 litres of water - nice skin as well as healthy choice
  • Smile more - it never hurts to smile
  • Be more appreciative - friends, family and everything
  • Make more of an effort with myself - looking good makes me feel good.
  • Think first - I have an awful habit of not thinking first.
My list of things to my day more positive, what is on your list?

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