Eddie the Eagle (Film Review)

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Today with my best friend we were supposed to go see The Boy but due being unprepared seating was sold out so we settled for Eddie the Eagle. I was a bit skeptical beforehand unsure if we had made the correct choice. However, afterwards I can gladly see it was a very good choice.
The film followed Eddie, a guy who dreamed of being a part of the Olympics. Throughout his life he's had knock backs and people telling he can't do it. It does sound kind of cliché but I think the fact that comedy plays a huge factor in the film it makes it utter brilliance.  It was heart warming, hilarious and fist clenching! Hugh Jackman was also in the film, I was nervous about this because of his previous roles in film but again my nerves were completely at ease.
It was so funny, a scene in particular with Hugh Jackman in literally brought me to tears because of how funny it was.

Eddie the Eagle is the best new film I've seen in a while. Also before the film started there were adverts and trailers to new films coming out (I always enjoy it) and well I took an interst to a lot of upcoming films so I shall be reviewing them when I do! -also I will post about today's complete experience but for now farewell and good night!

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