A laughing kind of day
Wednesday, 20 April 2016
I have never felt more of a student as I do now, fighting sleep and typing away as fast as I can on an essay I probably should have done yesterday that is due first thing tomorrow morning. I have finished (ish) so I am just rounding up my thoughts and then disappear into a sleep. Today has been a good for me, I socialised a lot and actually enjoyed it (this is new to me I usually hate people) I went to Bubble Cha with the girls, I laughed throughout my media lesson, I gossiped through my lunch, and had fun in my second half media, which I may have been overly enthusiastic about, game of thrones and rugby were involved need I say more? I finished early and did a bit of shopping (again unusually pleasant) with my lovely film friend. I babysat, and what not and here I am. It's been a productive day. I think today has been the best day I have had in a long time, seriously I laughed so much, I felt cute and not self-conscious and I finally got rid of a situation that has been lingering in my head. I am happy, I am aware a curveball will be heading my way soon but at least I am having a blast. Today I laughed so wholeheartedly, like I was living in the moment not worrying about my future or love interests or my family just laughing with friends, it couldn't have gotten any better, I mean unless something McFly happened then life would be complete. I lived a little today, also I bought new jeans which I am excited to wear because new clothes are good and I hope they make my ass look better and my fabulous thighs of course. I bid you good night or good morning or good afternoon wherever you're located, but until tomorrow goodbye and stuff.
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