The Gentlemen

Friday 11 March 2016

He walked with life
Life in his every stride.
Tipping his hat to friendly faces
Tipping his hat to the world.
He faced each day head on
Head on and never looked back.

Focused he may seem
He may seem fine.
His friends don't see the change
No one can see the change
No one but him.

Nights are a long company
A long company of beer and snacks.
Alone he lives
He lives in a spiked bubble.
By day a gentlemen
By night a damn right mess.

He's stuck in his problems
Stuck in his own thoughts.
Facades, fickle faces and figments
Figments of lost nights and fake days.

He misses the world
The world he used to know.
Her darling face, his daring eyes
His family gone and his lover vanished too.

No one left to attend to his needs
His needs he dismisses so easilyy
To attend to everyone else's needs.
His heart is heavy
Heavy like his never ending guilt.

He walked with life
Life in his every stride.
Tipping his hat to friendly faces
Tipping his hat to the world.
He faced each day head on
Head on and no looking back.

He was hurting
Hurting inside and outside
Self inflicted pain
Pain built and added to over time.
He days go on the nights are on repeat
On repeat his alone life goes
And he simply just let's life carry him
Carry him through the hours...

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