
Saturday 27 February 2016

Hey guys, earlier this week I posted this poem;

I know this space I live in
I sob the messiest writer's ink.
He spilled my contents out
And it leaked down his walls.
I felt blessed even though it meant the end.
I helped him voice his love and power.
And then through the pockets of travelers
I saw life pass me.
On the smallest shelf in the smallest shop
On the longest street in the largest city
I stand.

I shared it with several people outside of my blog, and well I have had several different interpretations, obviously poetry and writing is open to interpretation but I decided to see just how much and what way can things be interpreted. So the poem above I have been told that people thought it was about - Sex, break up, a personal encounter of mine.
What is really was about; An ink-pot, it's from the perspective of an ink-pot and the life it has had.
It's the first time I've ever written a poem or anything from an object's perspective and it is fascinating and really enjoyable. For the original piece, I got asked questions for the ink pot, and told not to stop writing until the questions were done. I wrote over a full page and those ten lines were the ones that stuck out to me the most
It's a new writing technique for poetry I did earlier in the week. I got given an object to write about. I didn't know exactly what it was (I guessed an inkpot, it turned out to be an old-fashioned ashtray)  I answered questions about it and then picked bits out to form a ten line poem. It's a pretty good technique the point of it is that people don't know what you're writing about not the exact thing. It is a fun thing to do. I decided to share this with you and the technique to show you, that so many things can be interpreted in different ways, and if we are feeling a certain we are more inclined to link the words with our emotions, or something we can relate to!

That is all for tonight, and I hope this has inspired you or at least provoked some thoughts. Pick up a pen and give it a go with any random object. I wasn't sure when I first got given the task and well now I am ready to do more!

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