I could write all the words that make me think of you, I could write a poem and brush off the emotions you make me feel, I could rant a piece about all the things I like about you. I could, I could. What would all of that do? It could express everything from within, but can it? Can the words intensify the meaning, can a poem capture the feelings, can a rant expose the little things. Words are my usual haven, they help me out when I have nowhere left to go. Yet when you're involve.d not even words can piece together all of this for you. Words simply cannot understand the feelings, the meanings or the true need of my heart. For once even to words I am vulnerable, they spin around my head as I try to scramble together a sentence. You knock the words out of me, along with all my senses. Even though you've made my sentences weak, and my writing flow strange,I wouldn't change it for the world, nor would I change you.
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