
Monday 11 January 2016

Monday's are as hollow as the abandoned cafe area around the nine twenty five marker. Thoughts are as heavy as the footsteps of the rushed students swarming to their classes. I'm buzzed, as buzzed as a medium latte can you make you first thing in the morning. I'm clueless, clueless as to think of the next line to tell you. My list of things to do is as long as the stairs that lead you to the separate floors. I'm feeling a little lost, lost like a new kid trying to find their way by a paper map. Monday's they are as indecisive as a student trying to choose their lunch. They're temperamental like a smart board on the blink.  They can bring happiness like a friendly smile or they can bring sadness like teenage heartache. Monday's are sprung on us after a chilled weekend like a surprise mock exam. That's a Monday for you, a Monday like mine.

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