First Day Back

Wednesday 6 January 2016

Yesterday should have been my first day back at college but turns out when I got my ear checked out I have an ear infection. It was killing yesterday so Monday night sleep was practically non existent. Today has been good so far, it is only midday. I had my first mock exam which I dreaded but actually it was pretty good I feel confident.
Also today was first outing as a blonde. Yes I am now blonde, I like it more and more as the day goes on. Several people have told me it suits but its  dramatic change. I have wanted this colour for a while now and well I love it.
I just bought my lunch, keeping healthy. I also finish early today, half one instead of half three due to enrichment not be ready, and well I aint complaining.
I am also spending another night at my sister's house, I love it there. It's literally my second home. I will be home tomorrow of course.
My ear hurts but I am taking meds and things for it, it's kind of my first ear infection I know I had problems with my ears when I was younger but it's different.
Despite the ear ache I am feeling emotionally good, motivated and very creative. Despite my lack of internet access it hasn't stopped me from writing at all. So much creativity, I am actually loving this year. It turns out this college term is quite short, half term is on the 15th of February, that is so close it's weird. I love being at college, and I love that I love being here. This college is definitely a huge step up from the last.
Tomorrow I shall either post another recyle poem or talk about my first time watching Tangled! SPOILER; IM IN LOVE!

Thank you for reading and be back tomorrow!

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