4 Days To Go

Monday 21 December 2015

Admittedly I haven't really done much today, I have spent a lot of hours on Sims. It's pretty addictive! I am now settling down for the night, and tonight's Christmas film is Home Alone! Yes, everyone knows of the infamous Home Alone films.
 I was once left at home, not for a long period of time but we were moving house and as a kid I liked to check I left nothing behind in my bedroom and then when I returned downstairs it was empty, no one there. I stood at the front door, which was now locked sobbing my little heart out, luckily enough my family noted my absence several minutes after before driving away. I laugh now, it is funny. At the age I was (I cannot remember)  fear struck. I didn't want to be trapped on my own, I still don't now, obviously. 
When you're young you're naive, fearful and very close minded. Well I was, I had the most outrageous fears and I still do now, like my huge fear of ghosts and being possessed. 
I hope you liked my little true anecdote, and well happy four days!

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