
Tuesday 10 November 2015

The busted announcement in in twenty minutes and I think it will probably be the return of Busted, and a tour announcement.

So what does this mean for McBusted? Well hopefully this means the return of McFly  (my ultimate favourite  band) and their sixth album. There are two mcfly babies on the way so maybe not too much will happen on music wise.

With the whole McBusted thing I am happy it happened, it was juts seven guys having fun and being happy and that is important. McBusted brought a lot of people together, first of all I have made many Internet friends because of them. Thank you for that mcbusted. To be honest I wasn't a huge fan of Busted before the supergroup however due to the super group I have gained a lot of respect and love for Matt and James, and I know I will probably listen to Busted 's new music when it's released.

I'm not overly sad if they part their ways, as along as I still get Danny and Flones  then I am a happy woman. Also admittedly I have been so ready and waiting for the return of McFly  literally for the past year and much more I've been listening to their past albums not stop and I'm so excited for new music.

I know I will probably never be able to McBusted but hopefully I can see McFly and maybe even busted separately so hope isn't lost. Danny is my favourite  member and always will be, and really as long as he is happy and doing what he loves then I am happy.

I'm glad McBusted happened but McFly  I'm ready for you.

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