Bus to adulthood

Saturday 17 October 2015

I awoken early this morning all eager. In a good mood a made breakfast for myself and family, it tasted pretty good. I then decided on a nice hot bubble bath, I had washed my hair the night before. So from there I began ready, feeling more and more like an adult as I put on my skin matched foundation and waterline eye liner. Then came the dress pants, skin type because they are my favourite. So comes the shirt, flat shoes and blazer. I have to say I looked and felt like an adult, once I added my black and white checketed vans backpack I felt more in my comfort zone.

I am currently on the bus to my interview, sitting backwards. Watching out the back window,  streets and familiarities moving further away from. Then is struck me, what if this is my bus to adulthood. What I'm moving further from is being a kid and I'm perhaps now moving into a new stage in my life. I will be attending my first ever job interview, and for once in my life I can gladly say that I feel confident. Let adulthood begin, I'm ready for you.

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