The Hunger Games Trilogy (Book Review)

Monday 7 September 2015

I have recently reread The Hunger Games trilogy and thought I would share a review with you guys!
The Hunger Games
The first book was great, my favourite parts were the romantic cute happenings between Katniss and Peeta. I swear my heart melted several times and I actually swooned and kept saying "AWWW!!" out loud.
Suzanne Collins is amazing at capturing the romance and the characters feelings, I really enjoyed reading and feeling everything Katniss thought and went too. The whole Rue partnership was incredible, perhaps even the most memorable part of this novel for me.
The capitol, I love the description and the way the author portrays it with the use of bright colors and boisterous personalities, every time there was a scene in the capitol it was like I was being brought into a whole new world. I think the capitol has to be my favorite setting so far, the brightness and over the top ways, it is incredible.
Also I liked the beginning of the novel, when we are told about Gale and Katniss' meeting, I love the fact he called her Katnip, this truly amuses me and I even find myself often referring to her character as Katnip. I like the way Suzanne tailored humour in and out of this novel, it really picked up the mood sometimes.
I love Katniss, she is brave, independent, talented and incredible. I admire her, surviving the games the way she did was so mind blowing. I like the way her character is different, Suzanne made her an independent woman, able to do what she wants and rebel against everything that she is supposed to be, kudos for Katniss.
The ending however, it was sad. I found myself a little annoyed, I love Gale but if something was going to happen with them it would have, I like that Peeta isn't quite like her, he loves her for who she is. I know Katniss was kind putting on a show for the games but wow when Peeta found out I bet it stung like b**ch to be used, yes for their survival but he feelings have more or less been used then thrown away, damn Katniss!
It was a really good story, the imagery was so amazing. The movie really does the book justice!
Catching Fire
This was a pretty good book, I enjoyed reading it and it had many moments where I thought my heart had stopped! I loved the victors and how they rebelled, like insane. And when they got Cinna oh my, I cried literally cried! I did feel the book like the film kind of dragged on a little.
When Peeta and Katniss were visiting the different districts, that was so emotional! I did enjoy reading this book but not as much as the first.
I felt like this book showed us more about Peeta, Haymitch and wasn't entirely centered around Katniss which of course was a refreshing change. I also loved the second arena, it was action packed and so different from the first. It was intriguing, and by far the best arena.
The movie was really good too, it did the book justice and to see the outfits come to life on the screen was incredible, with the wedding dress wow. I was stunned, literally!
I thought the other two books were emotional well this was a whole load of everything! By far the best book of the trilogy, I enjoyed every little bit. From the rebellion and brave Katniss to Gale (WHO I NOW HATE DUE TO LATER EVENTS!) It was intense, and the whole twist with Peeta being turned against Katniss, damn that was so good! The rebellion was intense, and the whole thing with District 13 oh my, oh my!
There is so much I want to say but can't but it into words, it was incredible! When they got into the capitol, it got real! I loved the whole underground scene and the avox ( I think that's how its spelled from the top of my head, I will edit soon!) helping wow, he was incredible. The whole bringing aspects of the games to life, that was so unexpected.
I enjoyed Katniss going slightly crazy, only because it shows that she is isn't superhuman, she too can break down and isn't always invincible.
Prim's death, oh my. No one saw that coming, and Gale could be responsible damn I hate you so much Gale, how dare you!! The whole slyness of District 13, it was annoying but so dramatic and so enjoyable to read! I didn't cry at Prim's death, what I cried at was when Katniss returned home to District 12 and started yelling at the cat, that's when the emotions caught on and I started bawling! Well done Suzanne for breaking my heart with a cat!
I loved the whole death scene, when Katniss was supposed to kill President Snow but didn't and killed Coin and then Snow died straight after, a win win situation, it was incredible to read!
I adored the end with Peeta and Katniss, I was so relieved that things worked out in the end and they more or less got their happy ever after!
Personally I believe they shouldn't separate the movies into part one and part two, mainly because part one was kind of slow and boring, if they had put the two together it would have been a total different experience!
Overall The Hunger Games were an incredible read, I recommend it as always! So emotional, heart wrenching and filled with action, what more could you ask for?
Thank you so much Suzanne for creating a whole new world for us!