Since starting college it seems that I wasn't well accustomed or prepared to start with and well I wish I'd known before hand, because no wants to turn up to college looking like a fool unless that is your aim then go right ahead. So for anyone that is interested I am going to write a weekly college guide, it's nothing heavy or even that lengthy just a few tips on a Friday!
Tip 1; A3 Notebook every time, I turned up with a smaller note book not realizing how many notes I'd be taking in that one day alone never mind that whole week. I do suggest you buy a A3 notebook as they are bigger, give you more room, and you can buy them almost anywhere.
Tip 2; Pencil Case. this sounds basic and you may feel like you're back in primary school however it is helpful, and you avoid the awkward hand raise of asking the teacher for a pen which leads to at least a five minute rant. Pencil Case and plenty of pens, you're welcome.
Tip 3; Earphones, not so much helpful for your lessons but definitely helpful for your sanity. When I'm revising, doing out of class work, writing and even travelling I always have my earphones in. Music helps a lot, plus it beats silence or annoying surrounding noise and conversations.
That is all I have this week for college tips, look for next weeks tips!
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