Perfect weekend?

Friday 28 August 2015

A little recap of my day, woken up with cuddles from my niece, lovely as always. We then met my brother in town, and the four us (me, niece, sister and brother) had breakfast then went to soft play. It was delightful, chasing a child around and through the soft play for over an hour felt like a full blown work out! Later we dropped my niece at her dads and we tidied my sisters house, by this time my brother went home. My sister prepared for her weekend away for her birthday. I tidied, we went to the shop. I got lucky and won a fiver on a scratch card, it isn't much but I think it's a sign of good weekend ahead. Fast forward, sister left with her boyfriend so I'm house/dog/cat/reptile sitting for the weekend. I tidied the whole house, now ready to chill. Just ordered Pizza (sinful to say at the least) Pal (dog) is chilling with me and we even have one of my favourite movies/musicals on Burlesque!! A good weekend is a must for me? I think Chicago is next after Burlesque!!

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