Tuesday the 30th of June - I went to Sunderland University for the day. It was a creative industry type of thing, it was mainly based around Media. And since I enjoy being creative and take Media Studies as one of my A Levels I thought it would be an excellent opportunity. I was right.

We had a splendid day, we got to work in a TV Studio, personally it was my favourite activity of the day. It isn't the first studio I have been in, I have been in the ITV Studio and Northumberland Studio. But this one was huge. The control room captured my attention immediately, and I insisted on working in there. I got to control the screen, and control what the viewers would be able to see. It was so much fun, I enjoyed it and I was even shown some effects which were pretty cool. I felt in place, like I belonged there. Needless to say I could honestly see myself doing that in the future.
On the rest of the day we got to see music studios, radio stations and they contributed to the idea that I'm strongly thinking about taking Media Studies (and creative writing) at University, as I really enjoy Media Studies, and it still gives me a chance to write. I think it would be a strategic career move.
Obviously I still want to be a writer, and publish books but in order to get there I guess I have to support myself, and at least this way I am enjoying myself whilst I do it!
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