The Best Weekend - Ever!!

Monday 1 June 2015

Friday - After watching the hilarious Pitch Perfect 2
Saturday - Shopping
I have had the most incredible weekend! My best friend from Manchester came up to Newcastle, and the past three days have been the best days I have had in a long time. It was so good to see her after months. It was
Sunday - Kaspars 
fun, hilarious and a completely girly weekend. I feel like words cannot really describe how great it has been so maybe the pictures will do the talking!
Oreo Sundae - NOM
Saturday Primark
Red Berry - Starbucks is a must when shopping
I went out three days in a row, this is rare I usually go out with friends once every few months or something, yeah I'm not a huge fan of going out, this weekend was the perfect exception.

Buys things from New Look takes picture in Primark

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